Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Sentinel-1 TOPS_par format

Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC data consist of a set of bursts (nominally 10) in a single SLC.  Since there are 3 Swaths in Interferometric Wide mode (IW), there are 3 SLC images saved as TIFF format images in each image data set. These have names like s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.tiff. The data are short complex (16 bit real, 16 imaginary), but are converted to float complex (32-bit real, 32-bit imaginary) after scaling by the program par_S1_TOPS.c The output of par_S1_SLC are a binary float complex image, the SLC parameter file and a Burst parameter file called the TOPS_par.

The top level of the TOPS par as the following data elements

typedef struct {                /* Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC image parameters */
  int nburst;                   /* number of SLC bursts in parameter file */
  int lpb;                      /* lines per SLC burst */
  double az_steering_rate;      /* azimuth steering rate of the antenna in Sentinel-1 IW and EW TOPS modes (deg/s) */
  BURST burst[MAX_BURST];       /* TOPS SLC burst metadata */

This is stored in a keyword: value format .  For each burst in the SLC there is a BURST data structure, containing the following data elements:

typedef struct{                 /* Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC burst metadata structure */
  char burst_date[32];          /* burst start, date format: YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.ttt UTC */
  double burst_t0;              /* zero-doppler time of SLC burst start (seconds of day) */
  char sensing_date[32];        /* burst sensing date in form: YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.ttt UTC */
  double sensing_t0;            /* time of burst sensing start (seconds of day)*/
  long long burst_boffset;      /* start of burst offset (bytes) relative to start of the burst SLC file */
  char doppler_date[32];        /* Doppler polynomial datetime in form: YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.ttt UTC */
  double doppler_t0;            /* azimuth time of Doppler polynomial (seconds of day) */
  double doppler_srdelay;       /* Doppler polynomial reference time (slant range delay seconds) */
  double doppler_poly[5];       /* Doppler centroid estimated from data, expressed as the following polynomial (assuming 5 coefficients):
                                   Doppler Centroid = d0 + d1(tSR-t0) + d2(tSR-t0)^2 + d3(tSR-t0)^3 + d4(tSR-t0)^4, where tSR = 2 way slant range time. */
  char afmrate_date[32];        /* azimuth FM rate datetime in form: YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.ttt UTC */
  double afmrate_t0;            /* time of azimuth FM rate (seconds of day) */
  double afmrate_srdelay;       /* azimuth FM polynomial reference time (slant range delay seconds) */
  double afmrate_poly[3];
  int fvsamp;                   /* offset to first valid range sample */
  int lvsamp;                   /* offset to last valid range sample */
  int fvline;                   /* offset to first valid line */
  int lvline;                   /* offset last valid line */      
  BURST_WIN burst_win;          /* burst window parameters */      

Hence if there are 10 bursts in the SLC, the TOPS_par will contain 10 BURST annotation blocks. Each BURST Annotation Block contains a BURST_WIN data structure that gives the boundaries of the burst are used for multilooking the data. The burst window is calculated from the number of range and azimuth looks as well as the annotation where there is valid data in the SLC burst and to avoid gaps:

typedef struct {
  double win_r0, win_r2;/* starting and ending slant slant range of the window in the mosaic */
  double win_t0, win_t2;/* starting and ending azimuth time of the burst in the mosaic */
  int ir0, nrs;         /* pixel offset in range, and number of slant range pixels that can be used in the mosaic */
  int iaz0, naz;        /* line offset for the burst, number of azimuth lines that can be used in the mosaic */

Below is an example of the TOPS_par data format including 2 of the 9 Burst Annotation blocks in the TOPS_par for interferometric swath 1 (iw1).

Note that the burst keywords are numbered to differentiate them with the TOPS_par.  Date and time data are given in ISO8601 format.

Gamma Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP) - TOPS IW and EW Mode SLC Parameter File
number_of_bursts:     9
lines_per_burst:   1629
az_steering_rate: -1.590368784  (deg/s)

burst_date_1:          2014-08-09T16:55:46.535387
burst_start_time_1:    60946.535387   s
sensing_date_1:        2014-08-09T16:55:47.857373
sensing_start_time_1:  60947.857373   s
burst_boffset_1:       0
doppler_date_1:        2014-08-09T16:55:47.908126
doppler_time_1:        60947.908126   s
doppler_srdelay_1:      5.34095e-03   s
doppler_polynomial_1:  -126.43460   48915.47000  -4.27236e+07   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00
az_fmrate_date_1:      2014-08-09T16:55:46.945386
az_fmrate_time_1:      60946.945386   s
az_fmrate_srdelay_1:    5.33983e-03   s
az_fmrate_polynomial_1: -2326.36500  449570.53443  -7.88281e+07
first_valid_sample_1:      71         samples
last_valid_sample_1:    20553         samples
first_valid_line_1:        86         lines
last_valid_line_1:       1545         lines
burst_win_1:  800420.5701   849921.4330    60946.53539    60949.57761       0   21250       0    1481

burst_date_2:          2014-08-09T16:55:49.308333
burst_start_time_2:    60949.308333   s
sensing_date_2:        2014-08-09T16:55:50.615650
sensing_start_time_2:  60950.615650   s
burst_boffset_2:       276969096
doppler_date_2:        2014-08-09T16:55:50.666403
doppler_time_2:        60950.666403   s
doppler_srdelay_2:      5.34220e-03   s
doppler_polynomial_2:   -70.28511  -126308.70000   7.91593e+07   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00
az_fmrate_date_2:      2014-08-09T16:55:49.703663
az_fmrate_time_2:      60949.703663   s
az_fmrate_srdelay_2:    5.33983e-03   s
az_fmrate_polynomial_2: -2326.29790  449591.61577  -7.88387e+07
first_valid_sample_2:      71         samples
last_valid_sample_2:    20553         samples
first_valid_line_2:        90         lines
last_valid_line_2:       1542         lines
burst_win_2:  800420.5701   849921.4330    60949.57967    60952.35056       0   21250     132    1349


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UW, CW,  ms last change 9-Dec-2014.