ANSI-C programs: par_S1_SLC.c
par_S1_SLC - Generate SLC parameter and image files for
Sentinel-1 SLC data, including strip-map and TOPS mode.
par_S1_SLC <GeoTIFF> <annotation_XML>
<calibration_XML> <noise_XML> <SLC_par>
<SLC> [TOPS_par]
<GeoTIFF> | (input)Sentinel-1 image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery.tif) |
<annotation_XML> | (input)Sentinel-1 product annotation XML file |
<calibration_XML> | (input) Sentinel-1 product annotation XML file (- no radiometric calibration) |
<noise_XML> | (input) Sentinel-1 product annotation XML file (- no noise correction) |
<SLC_par> | (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: 20140821_iw1_vv.slc.par) |
<SLC> | (output) SLC data file (example: 20140821_iw1_vv.slc.par) |
[TOPS_par] | (output) SLC burst data TOPS_par for TOPS mode data |
- 20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par 20140809_iw1_vv.slc
Reads the the Sentinel-1 GeoTIFF format image and calibration annotation files. and produces the TOPS burst SLC data file for swath 1 of the interferometric mode acquisition.
par_S1_SLC reads a
Sentinel-1 SLC image and produces an SLC data file, SLC parameter
file, and in the case of TOPS mode ScanSAR data, a TOPS_par
containing information on the individual bursts. This
program works with both stripmap and TOPS mode ScanSAR SLC image
data. The format of the TOPS_par containing information on the
individual TOPS mode bursts is explained in TOPS_par. The output data are scaled
using the calibration factors in the calibration XML format file
if this is provided. Currently, data in the noise file are not
used in the calibration of the data.
The output data are float complex format, a 4 byte floating point number is used to represent the real and the imaginary components of each complex image sample. In the case of TOPS mode data, there are typically 10 bursts in each SLC.
Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,