ANSI-C program: az_spec_SL
az_spec_SLC - computes azimuth doppler spectrum and Doppler
centroid from SLC data.
az_spec_SLC <SLC> <SLC_par> <spectrum>
[roff] [namb]
<SLC> | single-look complex (SLC) SAR data file (fcomplex or scomplex SLC format) |
<SLC_par> | SLC parameter file |
<spectrum> | output Doppler spectrum (text format) |
[roff]; | range sample offset to center of estimation window (enter - for default=center_swath) |
[namb]; | number of multiples of the PRF to add to the estimated centroid (default=0) |
az_spec_SLC 19990915.slc 19990915.slc.par
az_spec_SLC reads SLC data (both fcomplex and scomplex
format) and the ISP SLC image parameter file. and computes the
azimuth Doppler spectrum and the Doppler centroid from SLC data.
The azimuth Doppler spectrum is written to a text file for
plotting using gnuplot. During execution the user is queried if
the Doppler centroid currently in the SLC parameter file (should
be replaced by the estimate derived from the SLC data.
To plot the azimuth spectrum in PNG format:
echo "set term png; set output
png';set grid; set xlabel 'Hz';
set ylabel 'Relative Power'; set title 'Azimuth Spectrum'; plot
' with lines lw .5
This program estimates the constant component of the
Doppler centroid. The Doppler centroid of data produced by
Radarsat-1 or JERS-1 vary from near to far range. The user can
vary the position of the estimate from near to far range using
the roff command line parameter. Estimating the centroid
in the near and far range can be used to confirm the slope and
centroid values contained in the SLC metadata. The namb
option can be used to add a number of multiples of the PRF to
centroid estimate.
typedef_ISP.h, SLC_par.
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, last change 16-Jun-2012.