Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: base_ls.c

base_ls - Least-squares estimation of interferometric baseline based on the Ground Control Point (GCP) data.

base_ls <SLC_par> <OFF_par> <gcp_ph> <baseline> [ph_flag] [bc_flag] [bn_flag] [bcdot_flag] [bndot_flag] [bperp_min] [SLC2R_par]

<SLC_par> ISP parameter file of the reference SLC
<OFF_par> ISP offset/interferogram parameter file
<gcp_ph> ground control point data + extracted unwrapped phase values (text format)
<baseline> baseline parameter file
[ph_flag] restore range phase ramp (default=0: do not restore 1: restore)
[bc_flag] cross-track baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1)
[bn_flag] normal baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1)
[bcdot_flag] cross-track baseline rate estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1)
[bndot_flag] normal baseline component estimate (0:orbit derived 1:estimate from data, default=1)
[bperp_min] minimum perpendicular baseline required for L.S. estimation (m, default= 10.)
[SLC2R_par] (input) parameter file of resampled SLC, required if SLC-2 frequency differs from SLC-1

base_ls 1352.slc.par 1352_1610.gcp_data 1352_1610.base 1 1 1 1 0

base_ls computes a precise estimate of the interferometric baseline using ground control points of known x and y image coordinates, the corresponding terrain height, and the corresponding unwrapped interferometric phase. A non-linear least-squares solution algorithm is used to determine the baseline parameter values. The baseline model uses Track, Cross-Track, and Normal (TCN) coordinates. At each point along the SAR track of the reference image the TCN basis is recalculated. 

The computed baseline (in TCN coordinates) is written to the baseline file and is used to calculate heights and for differential interferometry. Statistics for quality control of the least-squares fit are computed and displayed. It is possible to estimate the baseline from either the original or flattened unwrapped interferometric phases. The command line parameter ph_flag specifies if the unwrapped phase reflects the original interferogram or has been flattened by removal of the phase trend using a smooth spherical earth model.  If the unwrapped phase is from a differential interferogram created by subtraction of a phase model generated using the DIFF/GEO program phase_sim, then the simulated phase must be added back to the unwrapped phase to give the unflattened, uwrapped interferometric phase. Adding back the phase can be done using the DIFF/GEO program sub_phase

For very short baselines the solution tends to get instable because of the negligible influence of the topographic height on the phase. To avoid problems a minimum perpendicular baseline (e.g. 20m) can be set. For shorter baselines the precision baseline is set to the initial baseline estimate. If the baseline is very small, the program base_init can be used on the complex valued interferogram to estimate the perpendicular baseline component given the orbital fringes. The parallel baseline component can be esitmated from the offset measurments.

The gcp_ph data file is created using the  gcp_phase. It contains the height and unwrapped phase  information. The heights can be extracted from a DEM in SAR coordinates matching the unwrapped phase interferogram  using the DIFF/GEO program extract_gcp.

The user can specify the baseline components that base_ls will estimate by setting the appropriate  flags on the command line. bc_flag and bn_flag refer to the cross-track and normal baseline components while bcdot_flag and bndot_flag are the respective rates of change in units of m/sec. If the data are very noisy, better results may be obtained by reducing the number of estimated parameters. Generally at least one bn_flag and bn_dot should be selected. Adding the other components should reduce the residual errors. If adding or removing a component causes only a very small change in the error, that baseline component is redundent.

If the two SLCs used to form the interferogram are from sensors with different carrier frequencies (e.g. ERS and ENVISAT) then the SLC parameter file of the second scene must be specified on the command line.

typedef_ISP.h, gcp_phase, base_orbitbase_init

© Copyright for Documentation, Gamma Remote Sensing, 2005
UW, CW, last change 7-Sep-2005.