Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: clear_flag.c

clear_flag - Resets flags in flagfile used throughout the various steps necessary for the unwrapping of the interferometric phase.

clear_flag <flag_file> <width> <flag_bits> [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax]

<flag_file> phase unwrapping flag filename
<width> number of samples/row
<flag_bits> byte with value of flag(s) to be cleared
[xmin] starting range pixel offset (default = 0)
[xmax] last range pixel offset (default = width-1)
[ymin] starting azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = 0)
[ymax] last azimuth row offset, relative to start (default = nlines-1)

clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 3(resets residues flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 4(resets guides flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 8(resets low SNR flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 16(resets visited residue flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 32(resets starting node of a branch flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 64(resets cuts flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 128(resets lawn area flag)
clear_flag 1352_1610.flag 2500 80(resets cuts and visited area flags flag)

clear_flag allows to reset individual or multiple flags of the flagfile. There are 8 bits stored for each pixel,each is a flag bit. The meaning of the individual bits is defined in the typedef_ISP.h file. The information contained in the flagfile can be examined with the programs disflag or rastree.

typedef_ISP.h, disflag, rastree.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 26-Jan-2000.