ANSI-C program: mask_data.c
mask_data - Mask data using a Sun or BMP format raster
mask_data <data_in> <width>
<data_out> <mask> [format_flag]
<data_in> | (input) data file (float or fcomplex format) |
<width> | width of input data file |
<data_out> | (output) data file, same data format as input |
<mask> | (input) mask file, Sun raster or BMP format,
8-bits/pixel NOTE: mask file must have the same width as the input data file |
[format_flag] | input/output data format: 0: FLOAT (default) 1: FCOMPLEX |
mask_data 19990421_1999042.unw 2456
The unwrapped phase is set to 0 where
has value 0. In this case the mask file was created using the
program rascc_mask to generate an
8-bit raster file (Sun raster or BMP format). The output validity
mask is a combined coherence and intensity display with all
samples of the image with coherence below the thresholds set to
0. The user can select thresholds for both correlation and
relative intensity.
mask_data is used to set
values of an input data file (either fcomplex or float format) to
zero based on the values contained the 8-bit/pixel mask
file. The mask file is either Sun raster or BMP format.
One application of mask data is with phase unwrapping. When
unwrapping phase using mcf, it is often
better to mask the unwrapped phase after unwrapping, rather than
before because the masking operation also recreates phase
inconsistances that must be resolved by the unwrapping
procedure. In images where there are large regions that are
incoherenent, the result will often be better using mask_data
after unwrapping by mcf.
mask_data can also be used to remove noisy regions from an
image to improve the display. The mask file can be created using
a program such as gimp. (
mcf, rascc_mask
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, last change 8-May-2012