Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: ptarg_SLC.c

ptarg_SLC- Point target response analysis and interpolation for SLC images

ptarg_SLC <SLC_par> <SLC> <r_samp> <az_samp> <ptr_image> <r_plot> <az_plot> [ptr_par] [osf] [win] [pltflg]

<SLC_par> (input) SLC image parameter file
<SLC> (input) SLC image in FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format
<r_samp> point target range sample number
<az_samp> point target azimuth line number
<ptr_image> (output) oversampled point target image (FCOMPLEX, 1024x1024 samples), with and without phase gradient
<r_plot> (output) range point target response plot data (text format)
<az_plot> (output) azimuth point target response plot data (text format)
(output) measured point target parameters (text format)
[osf] image over-sampling factor, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 (enter - for default: 16)
(input) maximum search window offset (samples) (enter - for default: 1)
plotting mode flag:
     0: none
     1: output plots in PNG format (default)
     2: screen output and PNG format plots

ptarg_SLC 19990421.slc 19990421.slc.par 1979 472 ptr_image r_plot az_plot ptr_par 16 1 2

Determines the exact point target location, oversamples the SLC about the point target, and extracts the point target range and azimuth response functions, and measures the target PSLR, ISLR, and peak widths at -10 and -3 dB.  The oversampling factor is specified as the default value of 16.  The search window is +/- 1 pixel about the entered pixel position.  A text file ptr_par is generated that contains the results of the analysis.

ptarg_SLC is a point target analysis tool for single-look complex SAR data The input SLC (in FCOMPLEX or SCOMLEX format) is read and the response of the point target at or near the indicated location is analysed. To estimate the approximate point target location the SLC can be displayed using the  display program disSLC.

For the point target response analysis the SLC is oversampled with an oversampling factor  that can be set on the command line using the osf parameter. The location of the intensity maximum is determined. Centered at the intensity maximum the range and azimuth response is determined and stored as text files and optionally plotted using Gnuplot. Parameters estimated from the data include the sub-pixel peak location, expressed in input SLC samples, the signal intensity in dB, the signal intensity in linear scale, and the signal phase. The over-sampled SLC around the point target is saved as a 2-D  image in FCOMPLEX format. 

ptarg_SLC also estimates the the 3 dB and 10 dB peak widths in range and azimuth, Peak to Side Lobe Ratio (PSLR),  and  integrated side lobe ratio (ISLR) as defined in the CEOS standard definition. Units for the peak widths are specified both in pixels and in meters using parameters in the SLC parameter file.

The search region for the point target peak is located in the center of the data segment extracted from the entire image as specified by the r_samp and az_samp parameters command line parameters. The size of the search region defaults to +/- 1 pixel of the center coordinates but can be increase to +/- 4 samples by entering a value for the win command-line parameter. The interpolated image has dimensions determined by the over-sampling factor. The line length is 64*osf, by default is 1024x1024 for osf=16. Two images are written to the output ptr_image. The first image has any linear phase trend removed, and the second image is an interpolated version of the original SLC segment. In the case where osf=16, the second image starts at line offset 1024 of the ouput ptr image.

Users Guideptarg

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, last change 25-Sep-2012.