Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: residue.c,residue_cc.c

residue - Reads smoothed interferogram, determines phase residues and writes these into the flag file.

residue_cc - Reads smoothed interferogram, determines phase residues under consideration of low coherence areas and writes these into the flag file.

residue <interferogram> <flagfile> <width> [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax]

<interferogram> complex image data (smoothed interferogram)
<flagfile> flag filename
<width> number of samples/row
[xmin] offset to starting range pixel (default = 0)
[xmax] offset last range pixel (default = width-1)
[ymin] offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0)
[ymax] offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1)

residue 1352_1610.flag 2500

residue_cc 1352_1610.flag 2500

residue and residue_cc read smoothed interferograms, determine phase residues and write these into the unwrapping flag file. Residues are important for the phase unwrapping process. Growing the phase around a residue leads to an inconsistency of 2PI. There are both positive and negative residues depending on the sign of the inconsistency. The tree generation program (e.g. tree_cc or tree_gzw) connects these changes to create neutral trees that will not generate large global unwrapping errors. The unwrapping flag file is generated with the program corr_flag. This file contains information on the location of the trees, branch cuts, region unwrapped, regions of low correlation, and neutrons. The meaning of the individual bits in the bit mask of each pixel is explained in typedef_ISP.h. The information contained in the flagfile can be displayed with the programs disflag and rastree.

residue_cc does not consider the phases of the low coherence areas. As a consequence much fewer residues are found, which will speed up the connection of the residues by brach cuts as done by the program tree_cc. When using residue_cc the branch cuts should be determined with tree_cc rather than with tree_gzw.

typedef_ISP.h, corr_flag, tree_cc, tree_gzw, neutron, disflag, rastree.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 28-Jan-2000.