Gamma MSP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: DORIS_proc.c


DORIS_proc - extract state vectors from DORIS precision orbit state vector files and copy to an MSP processing parameter file

DORIS_proc <PROC_par> <DOR> [nstate]

<PROC_par> (input/output) MSP processing parameter file, (example p<orbit>.slc.par)
<DOR>  (input) ASAR DORIS data file (DOR_VOR_AXVF)
[nstate]  number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 9)

DORIS_proc p4180.slc.par DOR_VOR_AXVF-P20040830_135600_20040720_215528_20040722_002328

DORIS_proc reads state vectors produced from the DORIS instrument data on Envisat. The state vectors are written into the MSP processing parameter file along with the start time and time interval between state vectors. The DORIS file consist of 129 byte text records containing the date, time, offset between UTC and UT1, orbit, position, and velocity, and data quality information. State vectors are given on 60 second intervals. The default number of state vectors is 9 spaced at  60 second intervals, up to 64 state vectors can be extracted.  Format of the DORIS  data file records is described in an ESA document  available from  Access to the DORIS data is via a request to the ESRIN Help desk.

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP processing parameter file.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2004.
UW, CW, last change 15-Nov-2004.