GAMMA Modular SAR Processor (MSP):

MSP Reference Manual:

Table of Contents

Parameter File Generation, Pre-Processing, Manipulation of State Vectors, and Quality Control

ASAR_AP_proc MSP preprocessing for ASAR Level 0 Alternating Polarization Mode (ASA_APH_0, ASA_APV_0, ASA_APC_0) data
ASAR_IM_proc MSP pre-processing for ASAR Level 0 Image Mode data (ASA_IM_0)
ASAR_XCA Extract antenna pattern data from ASAR external calibration file
CS_proc Read COSMO-SkyMed raw data files, extract parameters for MSP processing, reformat raw data
DELFT_proc2 Determine MSP state vectors for ERS-1 and ERS-2 from DELFT state vectors
DORIS_proc Extract ENVISAT DORIS state vectors and write to an MSP processing parameter file
JERS_fix Concatenate and condition JERS-1 raw data file(s)
JERS_proc Create MSP processing parameter file from a CEOS Leader for JERS data
ERS_ENVISAT_proc Import ERS raw data provided in Envisat format
ERS_fix Concatenate and condition ERS raw data file(s)
ORB_prop Calculate additional state vectors using orbit propagation and interpolation
ORRM_proc Extract state vectors from an ORRM state vector file for an MSP processing parameter file
PALSAR_antpat  Extract specified antenna pattern from a PALSAR JAXA antenna pattern file and generate an MSP format antenna pattern
PALSAR_proc  PALSAR raw data pre-processing and generation of the MSP processing parameter file
PRC_proc Extract state vectors from PRC precision orbit file for an MSP processing parameter file
RSAT_raw Read RADARSAT raw data files, extract parameters for MSP processing, reformat raw data
SIRC_proc Generate MSP sensor parameter and processing parameter files for SIR-C data from the CEOS leader
azsp_IQ Azimuth spectrum calculation and Doppler centroid estimation from SAR raw data
azsp_SLC Azimuth spectrum calculation and Doppler centroid estimation from SARSLC data
Concatenate raw data files and generate associate associated MSP sensor parameter and processing parameter files
create_proc_par Creation and editing of MSP processing parameter file
create_sar_par Creation and editing of SAR sensor parameter file
doppler Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range from SAR raw data (IQ format data)
doppler_2d Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range and azimuth along-track positionfrom SAR raw data (IQ format data)
doppler_real Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range from SAR raw data in real (offset_video) format  (e.g. SIR-C, TOPSAR))
dop_ambig Doppler ambiguity calculation (IQ) using MLCC or MLBF algorithm
dop_interf Generate MSP processing parameters optimized for repeat-pass interferometry
dop_mlcc Doppler ambiguity calculation (IQ) using MLCC algorithm, can be applied to the entire raw data file for a more robust estimate of the ambiguity.
extract_psd Extract spectra from *.psd files for plotting with gnuplot
hist_IQ Calculate histogram for I and Q channel of uncompressed SAR raw data
prefilt Prefilter and decimate range compressed complex SAR data
ptarg Point target analysis for SLC images
rspec_IQ Range power spectrum calculation for I/Q (complex) SAR raw data
rspec_real Range power spectrum calculation for offset-video (real) SAR raw data
rspec_JERS Range power spectra calculation for JERS-1 and PALSAR  raw SAR data.
This is used for Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) suppression and is required for range compression.

Programs for SAR Processing

af Autofocus estimation of effective velocity for SAR processing for multiple locations in a SLC image
autof Precision estimation of along-track velocity required for focus  (deprecated, replaced by af)
az_proc Azimuth compression using the Range/Doppler algorithm with along-track Doppler centroid update
multi_GRD_SLC Generate multi-look ground range intensity image from complex SAR SLC image
multi_SLC Generate multi-look intensity image from complex SAR SLC image
pre_rc Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data, including optional RFI suppression (IQ)
pre_rc_JERS Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data (IQ) for JERS-1 and PALSAR (includes radio interference (RFI)  filtering)
pre_rc_RSAT Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data (IQ) for Radarsat StripMap mode data
rc_real Range compression of for real format (offset-video) raw data (e.g. SIR-C, TOPSAR)
RSAT_lks Generate multi-look intensity image from complex SAR SLC image for Radarsat StripMap mode standard beams

MSP Processing Scripts

ERS_ASF_RAW Read CEOS format  Exabyte raw data tapes from ASF
ERS_CCRS_RAW Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes from Canadian Centre of Remote Sensing
ERS_ESA_EIC Read  Exabyte raw data taps  in ESRIN CEOS  EIC format
ERS_ESA_RAW Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes from German-PAF or ESRIN
ERS_PROC Full resolution MSP processing for ERS raw data in ESA CEOS format
Preprocessing of a stack ERS CEOS format raw data
Processing a stack of ERS CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products
Preprocessing of a stack of stripmap PALSAR CEOS format raw data
Processing of a stack of stripmap PALSAR CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products
Preprocessing of a stack of SCANSAR PALSAR CEOS format raw data
Processing of a stack of SCANSAR PALSAR CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products
Preprocessing of a stack of RADARSAT-1 stripmap raw data
Processing of a stack of RADARSAT-1 stripmap raw data to SLC and MLI products
ERS_SURVEY Survey resolution MSP processing for ERS raw data in ESA CEOS format
JERS_RAW Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes JERS-1 raw data from NASDA
JERS_PROC Full resolution MSP processing for JERS-1 raw data in NASDA CEOS  format
JERS_SURVEY Survey  resolution MSP  processing for JERS-1 raw data in NASDA CEOS format
RAW_TO_SLC_CS Processing of COSMO-SkyMed raw data (HDF5) to SLC and MLI products (using autof)
RAW_TO_SLC_CS_AF Processing of COSMO-SkyMed raw data (HDF5) to SLC and MLI products (using af)
SIRC_PROC Full resolution MSP processing of SIR-C raw data in CEOS format
SIRC_SURVEY MSP survey processing for SIR-C raw data  in CEOS format

File Formats and Auxiliary Files

Makefile, makefile_* Makefiles to compile MSP programs
bmp_image.h File containing definitions of stuctures defining the BMP image format
rasterfile.h File containing definitions of the stucture defining the SUN raster image format
typedef_MSP.h File containing structure definitions used in MSP programs
MSP processing parameter file MSP processing parameters keywords and definitions
MSP sensor parameter file MSP SAR sensor parameter file keywords and definitions
SAR raw data Format description for SAR raw data file (<YYYYMMDD>.raw)
Range compressed data Format description for range compressed data file (e.g. <orbit>.rc)
SLC data Format description for SAR SLC data file (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.slc)
MLI data Format description for SAR multi-look intensity data file (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.mli)
MSP Processing Parameter File Format description and definitions for MSP processing parameter file (e.g. p<YYYYMMDD>.par)
MSP Sensor Parmaeter File Format description and definitions for SAR sensor parameter file (e.g. ERS1_ESA.par)
Azimuth spectrum Format description for azimuth spectrum used in Doppler centroid estimation (e.g. <orbit>.azsp)
Doppler function Format description for Doppler centroid data as a function of range (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.dop)

? Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, OF, last change 16-Jun-2012