ASAR_AP_proc | MSP preprocessing for ASAR Level 0 Alternating Polarization Mode (ASA_APH_0, ASA_APV_0, ASA_APC_0) data |
ASAR_IM_proc | MSP pre-processing for ASAR Level 0 Image Mode data (ASA_IM_0) |
ASAR_XCA | Extract antenna pattern data from ASAR external calibration
file |
CS_proc | Read COSMO-SkyMed raw data files, extract parameters for MSP processing, reformat raw data |
DELFT_proc2 | Determine MSP state vectors for ERS-1 and ERS-2 from DELFT state vectors |
DORIS_proc | Extract ENVISAT DORIS state vectors and write to an MSP processing parameter file |
JERS_fix | Concatenate and condition JERS-1 raw data file(s) |
JERS_proc | Create MSP processing parameter file from a CEOS Leader for JERS data |
ERS_ENVISAT_proc | Import ERS raw data provided in Envisat format |
ERS_fix | Concatenate and condition ERS raw data file(s) |
ORB_prop | Calculate additional state vectors using orbit propagation and interpolation |
ORRM_proc | Extract state vectors from an ORRM state vector file for an MSP processing parameter file |
PALSAR_antpat | Extract specified antenna pattern from a PALSAR JAXA antenna pattern file and generate an MSP format antenna pattern |
PALSAR_proc | PALSAR raw data pre-processing and generation of the MSP processing parameter file |
PRC_proc | Extract state vectors from PRC precision orbit file for an MSP processing parameter file |
RSAT_raw | Read RADARSAT raw data files, extract parameters for MSP processing, reformat raw data |
SIRC_proc | Generate MSP sensor parameter and processing parameter files for SIR-C data from the CEOS leader |
azsp_IQ | Azimuth spectrum calculation and Doppler centroid estimation from SAR raw data |
azsp_SLC | Azimuth spectrum calculation and Doppler centroid estimation from SARSLC data |
cat_raw |
Concatenate raw data files and generate associate associated
MSP sensor parameter and processing parameter files |
create_proc_par | Creation and editing of MSP processing parameter file |
create_sar_par | Creation and editing of SAR sensor parameter file |
doppler | Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range from SAR raw data (IQ format data) |
doppler_2d | Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range and azimuth along-track positionfrom SAR raw data (IQ format data) |
doppler_real | Calculate Doppler centroid as function of slant range from SAR raw data in real (offset_video) format (e.g. SIR-C, TOPSAR)) |
dop_ambig | Doppler ambiguity calculation (IQ) using MLCC or MLBF algorithm |
dop_interf | Generate MSP processing parameters optimized for repeat-pass interferometry |
dop_mlcc | Doppler ambiguity calculation (IQ) using MLCC algorithm, can be applied to the entire raw data file for a more robust estimate of the ambiguity. |
extract_psd | Extract spectra from *.psd files for plotting with gnuplot |
hist_IQ | Calculate histogram for I and Q channel of uncompressed SAR raw data |
prefilt | Prefilter and decimate range compressed complex SAR data |
ptarg | Point target analysis for SLC images |
rspec_IQ | Range power spectrum calculation for I/Q (complex) SAR raw data |
rspec_real | Range power spectrum calculation for offset-video (real) SAR raw data |
rspec_JERS | Range power spectra calculation for JERS-1 and PALSAR raw
SAR data. This is used for Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) suppression and is required for range compression. |
af | Autofocus estimation of effective velocity for SAR processing for multiple locations in a SLC image |
autof | Precision estimation of along-track velocity required for focus (deprecated, replaced by af) |
az_proc | Azimuth compression using the Range/Doppler algorithm with along-track Doppler centroid update |
multi_GRD_SLC | Generate multi-look ground range intensity image from complex SAR SLC image |
multi_SLC | Generate multi-look intensity image from complex SAR SLC image |
pre_rc | Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data, including optional RFI suppression (IQ) |
pre_rc_JERS | Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data (IQ) for JERS-1 and PALSAR (includes radio interference (RFI) filtering) |
pre_rc_RSAT | Prefilter and range compression of SAR raw data (IQ) for Radarsat StripMap mode data |
rc_real | Range compression of for real format (offset-video) raw data (e.g. SIR-C, TOPSAR) |
RSAT_lks | Generate multi-look intensity image from complex SAR SLC image for Radarsat StripMap mode standard beams |
ERS_ASF_RAW | Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes from ASF |
ERS_CCRS_RAW | Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes from Canadian Centre of Remote Sensing |
ERS_ESA_EIC | Read Exabyte raw data taps in ESRIN CEOS EIC
format |
ERS_ESA_RAW | Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes from German-PAF or ESRIN |
ERS_PROC | Full resolution MSP processing for ERS raw data in ESA CEOS format |
ERS_pre_proc |
Preprocessing of a stack ERS CEOS format raw data |
ERS_proc_all |
Processing a stack of ERS CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products |
PALSAR_pre_proc |
Preprocessing of a stack of stripmap PALSAR CEOS format raw data |
PALSAR_proc_all |
Processing of a stack of stripmap PALSAR CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products |
PALSAR_pre_proc_WB |
Preprocessing of a stack of SCANSAR PALSAR CEOS format raw data |
PALSAR_proc_all_WB |
Processing of a stack of SCANSAR PALSAR CEOS format raw data to SLC and MLI products |
RSAT_pre_proc |
Preprocessing of a stack of RADARSAT-1 stripmap raw data |
RSAT_proc_all |
Processing of a stack of RADARSAT-1 stripmap raw data to SLC and MLI products |
ERS_SURVEY | Survey resolution MSP processing for ERS raw data in ESA CEOS format |
JERS_RAW | Read CEOS format Exabyte raw data tapes JERS-1 raw data from
JERS_PROC | Full resolution MSP processing for JERS-1 raw data in NASDA CEOS format |
JERS_SURVEY | Survey resolution MSP processing for JERS-1 raw data in NASDA CEOS format |
RAW_TO_SLC_CS | Processing of COSMO-SkyMed raw data (HDF5) to SLC and MLI products (using autof) |
RAW_TO_SLC_CS_AF | Processing of COSMO-SkyMed raw data (HDF5) to SLC and MLI products (using af) |
SIRC_PROC | Full resolution MSP processing of SIR-C raw data in CEOS
format |
SIRC_SURVEY | MSP survey processing for SIR-C raw data in CEOS
format |
Makefile, makefile_* | Makefiles to compile MSP programs |
bmp_image.h | File containing definitions of stuctures defining the BMP image format |
rasterfile.h | File containing definitions of the stucture defining the SUN raster image format |
typedef_MSP.h | File containing structure definitions used in MSP programs |
MSP processing parameter file | MSP processing parameters keywords and definitions |
MSP sensor parameter file | MSP SAR sensor parameter file keywords and definitions |
SAR raw data | Format description for SAR raw data file (<YYYYMMDD>.raw) |
Range compressed data | Format description for range compressed data file (e.g. <orbit>.rc) |
SLC data | Format description for SAR SLC data file (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.slc) |
MLI data | Format description for SAR multi-look intensity data file (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.mli) |
MSP Processing Parameter File | Format description and definitions for MSP processing parameter file (e.g. p<YYYYMMDD>.par) |
MSP Sensor Parmaeter File | Format description and definitions for SAR sensor parameter file (e.g. ERS1_ESA.par) |
Azimuth spectrum | Format description for azimuth spectrum used in Doppler centroid estimation (e.g. <orbit>.azsp) |
Doppler function | Format description for Doppler centroid data as a function of
range (e.g. <YYYYMMDD>.dop) |