MSP processing parameter file: (ASCII text-file): such as p<orbit>.slc.par
p<orbit>.slc.par - The
parameters in the MSP processing parameter file command the
processor and report the results of processing.
: An example to generate a single look
complex (SLC) image for ERS-1 SAR raw data using the Gamma
title: | Sydney orbit 7225 |
date: | 1992 12 2 |
raw_data_start_time: | 12 59 16.3623 |
channel/mode: | VV |
earth_semi_major_axis: | 6378137.0000 m |
earth_semi_minor_axis: | 6356752.3141 m |
scene_center_latitude: | -33.408930 decimal degrees |
scene_center_longitude: | 151.428214 decimal degrees |
track_angle: | -17.786854 degrees |
platform_altitude: | 797236.8885 m |
terrain_height: | 0.0000 m |
sensor_position_vector: | 0.000000 0.000000 797236.888473 m m m |
sensor_velocity_vector: | 7120.354250 0.000000 0.000000 m/s m/s m/s |
sensor_acceleration_vector: | 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 m/s^2 m/s^2 m/s^2 |
pulse_repetition_frequency: | 1679.902394 Hz |
I_bias: | 15.330689 |
Q_bias: | 15.403095 |
I_sigma: | 4.892531 |
Q_sigma: | 4.873933 |
IQ_corr: | -0.016376 |
SNR_range_spectrum: | 18.028 |
DAR_doppler: | 483.785 Hz |
DAR_snr: | 6.346 |
doppler_polynomial: | 5.23685e+02 -1.42805e-04 -1.18529e-09 1.26902e-14 Hz Hz/m Hz/m^2 Hz/m^3 |
doppler_poly_dot |
3.07875e-05 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
Hz/s Hz/s/m Hz/s/m^2 |
doppler_poly_dot | 0.00000e+00
0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
Hz/s^2 Hz/s^2/m Hz/s^2/m^2 Hz/s^2/m^3 |
echo_time_delay: | 5.606270e-03 s |
receiver_gain: | -15.00000 dB |
calibration_gain: | 0.00000 dB |
near_range_raw: | 840358.7318 m |
center_range_raw: | 862554.6001 m |
far_range_raw: | 884750.4684 m |
near_range_slc: | 840358.7318 m |
center_range_slc: | 853767.1708 m |
far_range_slc: | 867167.7040 m |
range_pixel_spacing: | 7.90591925 m |
range_resolution: | 13.49548042 m |
sec_range_migration: | OFF |
azimuth_deskew: | OFF |
autofocus_snr: | 48.0031 |
azimuth_bandwidth_fraction: | 0.8000 |
azimuth_presum_factor: | 1 |
total_raw_echos: | 28000 |
offset_to_first_echo_to_process: | 8192 |
echoes_to_process: | 6000 |
range_offset: | 0 samples |
raw_range_samples: | 4096 |
far_range_extension: | 0 |
near_range_extension: | 0 |
range_looks: | 1 |
azimuth_looks: | 1 |
azimuth_offset: | 5.20209 s |
azimuth_pixel_spacing: | 4.07418 m |
azimuth_resolution: | 4.98331 m |
range_pixels: | 3392 |
azimuth_pixels: | 4907 |
image_format: | FCOMPLEX |
sensor_latitude: | -34.044705 decimal degrees |
sensor_longitude: | 148.420538 decimal degrees |
sensor_track_angle: | -142.061475 decimal degrees |
map_coordinate_1: | -33.5830257 151.0704025 0.0000 deg. deg. m |
map_coordinate_2: | -33.4140581 151.8108727 0.0000 deg. deg. m |
map_coordinate_3: | -33.4116550 151.0056088 0.0000 deg. deg. m |
map_coordinate_4: | -33.2430451 151.7442523 0.0000 deg. deg. m |
map_coordinate_5: | -33.4089298 151.4282142 0.0000 deg. deg. m |
number_of_state_vectors: | 5 |
time_of_first_state_vector: | 46756.36328 s |
state_vector_interval: | 3.75200 s |
state_vector_position_1: | -5054313.6408 3089759.0195 -4037474.9145 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_1: | -2597.2075 3662.2046 6060.8538 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_2: | -5063164.7212 3104867.9900 -4014703.8025 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_2: | -2573.7903 3651.8231 6077.2265 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_3: | -5071923.7485 3119940.2723 -3991871.4297 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_3: | -2550.3456 3641.3611 6093.5070 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_4: | -5080590.6303 3134975.5394 -3968978.1428 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_4: | -2526.8737 3630.8188 6109.6950 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_5: | -5089165.2755 3149973.4648 -3946024.2892 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_5: | -2503.3751 3620.1962 6125.7903 m/s m/s m/s |
The formats are defined in the MSP type definition file typedef_MSP.h
title: | title of the scene and processing parameters |
date: | date DD MMM YYYY) |
raw_data_start_time: | time of first record in signal data file (HH MM SS.SSSS) |
channel/mode: | polarization/channel to be processed out of the set {HH, HV, VH, VV, CH1, CH2} |
earth_semi_major_axis: | ellipsoid semi-major axis (m) |
earth_semi_minor_axis: | ellipsoid semi-minor axis (m) |
scene_center_latitude: | latitude of scene center (decimal deg.) |
scene_center_longitude: | longitude of scene center (decimal deg.) |
track_angle: | track angle (degrees) |
platform_altitude: | altitude above geoid (m) |
terrain_height: | average height of terrain above geoid (m) |
sensor_position_vector: | (x,y,z)-position of the SAR platform (m) at the center of the prefiltered data |
sensor_velocity_vector: | velocity of the SAR platform (m/sec) at the center of the prefiltered data |
sensor_acceleration_vector: | acceleration of the SAR platform (m/sec^2) at the center of the prefiltered data |
pulse_repetition_frequency: | radar pulse repetition frequency (pulses/sec) |
I_bias: | DC bias of the raw data I channel |
Q_bias: | DC bias of the raw data Q channel |
I_sigma: | standard deviation of the raw data I channel |
Q_sigma: | standard deviation of the raw data Q channel |
IQ_corr: | correlation of the I and Q channels |
SNR_range_spectrum: | average SNR determined from range spectrum |
DAR_doppler: | Doppler ambiguity resolver estimate of the doppler centroid at center swath |
DAR_snr: | unambiguous doppler estimate signal to noise ratio |
doppler_polynomial: | Doppler polynomial coeff. fd(r, t) = a0 + b0*t + c0*t**2 + (a1 + b1*t)*r + a2*r**2 a0=fdp[0], a1=fdp[1], a2=fdp[2], a3=fdp[3] |
doppler_poly_dot |
fdot(r, t) =
b0*t + (b1*t)*r b0=fdp_dot[0], b1=fdp_fdot[1] |
doppler_poly_ddot | fddot(r, t) =
c0*t**2 b0=fdp_ddot[0] |
sec_range_mig: | secondary range migration (ON, OFF) |
az_deskew : | azimuth deskew of data to zero doppler (ON, OFF) |
autofocus_snr: | autofocus signal to noise ratio |
echo_time_delay: | time delay between transmission of pulse and first sample of echo (seconds) |
receiver_gain: | receiver attenuation gain used for relative calibration (dB) |
calibration_gain: | calibration gain factor to determine relative or absolute backscatter intensity |
near_range_raw: | first slant range for the RAW SAR data |
center_range_raw: | center slant range for the RAW SAR data |
far_range_raw: | last slant range for the RAW SAR data |
near_range_slc: | first slant range for the output image |
center_range_slc: | center slant range for the output image |
far_range_slc: | last slant range for the output image |
range_pixel_spacing: | slant range image pixel spacing (m) |
range_resolution: | slant range image resolution (m) |
azimuth_bandwidth_fraction: | fraction of doppler bandwidth to process (Hz) |
prefilter_azimuth_offset: | initial azimuth prefilter decimation factor (i.e. 4 for a 4:1 decimation) |
total_raw_echoes: | total number of raw data echoes in the SAR signal data file |
offset_to_first_echo_to_process: | offset in echoes from the start of SAR signal data file |
echoes_to_process: | number of echoes to process |
range_offset: | offset (samples) to first range sample to process, each I/Q pair counts as 1 sample |
raw_range_samples: | number of raw range samples to process in each echo |
near_range_extension: | number of samples to extend the swath in the near range (with loss of resolution) |
far_range_extension: | number of samples to extend the swath in the far range (with loss of resolution) |
range_looks: | number of range looks per sub-aperture |
azimuth_looks: | number of azimuth looks per sub-aperture |
azimuth_offset: | azimuth offset (s) of first image line from first prefiltered data line |
azimuth_pixel_spacing: | azimuth image pixel spacing (m) |
azimuth_resolution: | azimuth image resolution (m) |
range_pixels: | image size in range |
azimuth_pixels: | image size in azimuth |
image_format: | data format for image data: FCOMPLEX, SCOMPLEX, FLOAT, SHORT, BYTE |
sensor_latitude: | SAR geodetic latitude at image center (deg.) |
sensor_longitude: | SAR geodetic longitude at image center (deg.) |
sensor_track_angle: | track angle of the sensor at image center (deg.) |
map_coordinate_1: | latitude (dec. deg.), longitude (dec. deg.) and elevation (m) of 1. corner of processed image |
map_coordinate_2: | latitude (dec. deg.), longitude (dec. deg.) and elevation (m) of 2. corner of processed image |
map_coordinate_3: | latitude (dec. deg.), longitude (dec. deg.) and elevation (m) of 3. corner of processed image |
map_coordinate_4: | latitude (dec. deg.), longitude (dec. deg.) and elevation (m) of 4. corner of processed image |
map_coordinate_5: | latitude (dec. deg.), longitude (dec. deg.) and elevation (m) of center of processed image |
number_of_state_vectors: | number of state vectors given in this file |
time_of_first_state_vector: | time of first state vector (s) |
state_vector_interval: | time interval between state vectors (s) |
state_vector_position_1: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 1 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_1: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 1 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_2: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 2 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_2: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 2 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_3: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 3 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_3: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 3 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_4: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 4 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_4: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 4 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_5: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 5 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_5: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 5 (m/sec) |
This parameter file is usually created by reading the CEOS leader
file included with raw data from ERS, JERS-1, and Radarsat. These
readers are adapted to the particular format of CEOS leader file
produced by each of the receiving stations. Due to the
differnences between the various implementations between the CEOS
format different readers are required for each of these
implementations. If no specific program exists for your format
there exits the more general program requiring user input of all
critical parameters called create_proc_par. Alternatively, an
existing processing parameter file can be modified using a
standard text editor. The variables used in
p<orbit>.slc.par are defined in the in MSP type definition
file typedef_MSP.h. Contact
Gamma if you are experiencing difficulty with a particular
Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, create_proc_par ERS_proc_<station>, JERS_proc, SIRC_proc, RSAT_raw