Gamma MSP: Reference Manual

Create MSP Processing Parameter file for JERS-1 data

ANSI-C program: JERS_proc.c

JERS_proc - creates MSP Processing Parameter File using header/leader files in CEOS format as provided with JERS raw data by NASDA.

JERS_proc <CEOS_SAR_leader> <PROC_param>

CEOS_SAR_leader CEOS SAR leader file (.ldr)
PROC_par MSP processing parameter file, (example

JERS_proc 1352.ldr p1352.slc.par

JERS_proc reads leader file, searches for information needed for processing the and creates the MSP Processing Parameter File. State vectors in the CEOS leader file are interpolated to create those used for processing using a polynomial interpolation scheme. The user is asked about the segment of the raw data for processing, and about processing options. These parameters include the starting echo and number of echoes, the starting range sample and the FFT size for range processing. Selection of the defaults will result in processing the full scene.

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2006.
UW, CW, last change 12-Jun-2006.