Gamma MSP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: ORRM_proc.c

ORRM_proc - extract state vectors from ORRM orbit state vector file and copy to the MSP processing parameter file

ORRM_proc <PROC_par> <ORRM> [nstate]

<PROC_par> MSP Processing parameter file
<ORRM> ORRM state vector file
[nstate] number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=9)

ORRM_proc p8560.slc.par 8560.orrm 5

ORRM_proc reads the MSP processing parameter file and extracts the specified number of state vectors from the ORRM state vector file. The state vectors are written into the MSP processing parameter file locations for state vectors. This program is used with raw data sets that do not have adequate state vector data. The default number of state vectors is 5 and is adequate unless multiple frames are processed. ORRM orbit data were distributed by ESA for ERS-1 data spanning 1991-1994. These data are still generated but not distributed except by special agreement. This product has now been replaced by the Precision Orbit data set (PRC) for both ERS-1 and ERS-2. These orbit data are available from an FTP server in Germany with a delay of about 1 month after data acquisition by ERS. A request to the ESRIN help desk is required to get ftp acess.

ORRM State Vector Format
<orbit>.orrm - contains ORRM orbit data as provided by ESA. The ORRM orbit state vector file contains the state vectors and velocities for the sensor (ERS-1). The state vectors and velocities are used to estimate the interferometric baseline.

0 0 15266 0 15266 86340000 1991/10/21 0:51: 7
15266 0 1346 1669.252283 -1781.4552 6718.5946 -6.8175479 2.2782278 2.2926923 0
15266 60000 1346 1257.8307 -1639.5883 6842.8982 -6.8918049 2.4492421 1.8494171 0
15266 120000 1346 842.8012 -1487.7264 6940.3805 -6.9377854 2.6112437 1.3989348 0
15266 180000 1346 425.8638 -1326.4368 7010.6614 -6.9553996 2.7633585 0.9430021 0
(Example represents ORRM orbit state vector file: <1352>.orrm for orbit 1352. In addition to the orbit data for orbit 1352 it contains data for further orbits, starting with orbit 1346)

Lines 1,2: The first two lines contain auxiliary data.

Lines 3--> EOF: (int mjd, utc, orb_num, double x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, int TAI_UTC_delta):

  1. mdj: modified Julian date, which is (julian date-2433282.5) e.g.: 1.1.1990 = 14610
  2. utc: time (in msec) since midnight UTC
  3. orb_num: orbit number
  4. x, y, z: sensor position (in km) in Conventional Terrestrial System
  5. vx, vy, vz: sensor velocity (in km/sec) in Conventional Terrestrial System
  6. TAI_UTC_delta: difference (in sec) between the International Atomic Time and UTC

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2004.
UW, CW, last change 15-Nov-2004.