ANSI-C program: PRC_proc.c
PRC_proc - extract state
vectors from ERS and Envisat precision orbit state vector
files and store in an MSP processing parameter file
SYNOPSISPRC_proc <proc_par>
<PRC > [nstate]
<PROC_par> | MSP processing parameter file |
<PRC> | PRC state vector file |
[nstate] | number of state vectors to extract (default=5) |
PRC_proc p4180.slc.par PRC_920429_04123_rev2
PRC_proc reads ERS-1, ERS-2, and Envisat precision state
vector files and extracts a specified number of state vectors
that bracket the raw data set. The state vectors are written into
the MSP processing parameter file along with the start time and
time interval between state vectors. The PRC files consist of 130
byte text records containing the Julian date and time of the
state vector data, the position, velocity and attitude of the ERS
sensor, and data quality information. State vectors are given on
30 second intervals. The default number of state vectors is 5
spaced at 30 second intervals is adequate unless multiple frames
are processed. Up to 64 state vectors can be extracted. Format of
the PRC data file records is described in an ESA document
available from the ESA ESRIN website and is defined in the
typedef_MSP.h file.
Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP processing parameter file.