ANSI-C program: RSAT_lks.c
RSAT_lks - Generates multi-look intensity image from complex SAR
SLC image for Radarsat Standard Beam StripMap mode following the
algorithm as specified by RSI specifications
<SLC_PROC_param> <MLI_PROC_param> <SLC_image>
<SLC PROC_param> | SLC processing parameter file |
<MLI PROC_param> | output MLI processing parameter file |
<SLC_image> | SLC image file |
<MLI_image> | output MLI image |
RSAT_lks pBogota.slc.par pBogota.mli.par Bogota.slc
This program is used to take looks in in the azimuth frequency
domain rather than the spatial domain as is usually done. This
program meets RSI specs for multilook images from Standard beams.
Each of the 4 looks has a bandwidth of 293 Hz with a 39 percent
overlap with adjacent looks. Each look is weighted with a
Kaiser-Bessel window function with window generation parameter of
2.9. The SLC data are read in blocks of 2048 lines. These data
are Fourier transformed in azimuth, filtered and then inverse
transformed. The individual looks are then detected and summed
with the other looks for that block and written out to disk.
There is an overlap between the blocks to account for the finite
length of the impulse response of the bandpass filters used to
generate the looks. The update of the processing parameter files
is identical to multi_SLC.
The complex input data may be displayed using disSLC, the (real) output multi-look image using dispwr. Alternately, the intensity image can be scaled and stored as a SUN raster file or BMP format image using raspwr.
Users Guide, multi_SLC, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File, dispwr, raspwr.