GAMMA Modular SAR Processor (MSP): Reference Manual


(ANSI-C program) azsp_IQ.c

azsp_IQ - Doppler centroid estimation using SAR I/Q raw data.

azsp_IQ <SAR_par> <PROC_par> <signal_data> <spectrum> [loff] [roff] [nsub] [ambig_flag] [namb][pltflg]

<SAR_par> (input) SAR sensor parameter file
<PROC_par> (input) MSP processing parameter file
<signal_data> (input) input uncompressed IQ raw SAR data file
<spectrum> (output) output azimuth spectrum (text format)
[loff] number of lines offset to start of estimation window (default=0)
[roff] range samples offset to center of estimation window (enter - for default: center_swath)
[nsub] number of azimuth subapertures for spectrum estimation (enter - for default: 24)
[ambig_flag] Doppler ambiguity resolution mode:
   0 = add multiples of PRF specified by the namb command line parameter
   1 = use unambiguous Doppler centroid estimate from the PROC_param file (default)
[namb] number of multiples of the PRF to add to the ambiguous Doppler estimate (enter - for default: 0)
azimuth spectrum plotting flag:
   0: none (default)
   1: output plot in PNG format


azsp_IQ ERS1_ESA.par p19920505.slc.par 19920505.raw 19920505.azsp 0 - - - 1 0 1

Estimate the doppler centroid using the periodogram method. The radar azimuth spectrum will be plotted to a file in PNG format by setting the value of the pltflg parameter.

This Doppler centroid estimation program processes raw SAR data and obtains an accurate estimate of the Doppler centroid by summation of azimuth power spectra.  For a block of 512 range values, azimuth FFTs are calculated and averaged to obtain the estimate of the Doppler spectrum. The Doppler spectrum as a function of the normalized azimuth Doppler frequency is written to an output text file. It is also possible to plot the azimuth spectrum to a file and also to display the spectrum on the screen by setting the pltflgt

The MSP processing parameter file is updated with the estimate of the Doppler polynomial constant coefficient.

In cases where the unambiguous Doppler centroid is greater than the  PRF/2  (PRF= SAR pulse repetition frequency) or less than the -PRF/2, it is necessary to add the appropriate multiple of the PRF to the value. The Doppler is ambiguous because the PRF is insufficently high. No aliasing occurs in the data because the sampling rate is greater than the azimuth bandwidth. The program dop_ambig obtains an approximate estimate of the unambiguous Doppler centroid that can be used by azsp_IQ to resolve the number of multiples of the PRF to add to the Doppler estimate. dop_ambig uses the mult-ilook crosscorrelation (MLCC) or multi-look beat frequency (MBLF) algorithm to resolve the unambiguous Doppler centroid.

Another way to estimate the ambiguity number is to perform autofocus on the range compressed data. The autofocus program af estimates the uncompensated range migration between the generated azimuth looks. If this exceeds half of the expected range migration caused by an ambiguity error, the doppler centroid is updated by the estimated number of multiples of the PRF. This is the best way to estimate the ambiguity for scenes with some contrast.

Plotting of the spectrum is controlled by the pltflg command line parameter. When the pltflg is 1, the azimuth spectrum plot is stored as an image in PNG format.   

azimuth spectrum

dop_ambig, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote .
UW, CW, last change 4-Feb-2015.