Gamma MSP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: hist_IQ.c

hist_IQ - Calculates histogram for I and Q channel of uncompressed SAR raw data (IQ data).

hist_IQ <SAR_par> <PROC_par> <signal_data> <histogram> [loff] [nl]

<SAR_par> SAR sensor parameter file
<PROC_par> MSP processing parameter file
<signal_data> Uncompressed SAR raw data (IQ data)
<histogram> histogram output file
[loff] number of lines offset (default=parameter file value)
<nl> number of lines to estimate histogram (default=1024)

hist_IQ ERS1_ESA.par p19990421.slc.par 19990421.raw 19990421.hist 6000 1024

hist_IQ The histogram of the I and Q channel of raw SAR is calculated. The two histograms are computed separately for a user-defined window size. The result is written into an ASCII file, with the integer number in the first column and the normalized I and Q histograms in columns 2 and 3. These data may be plotted using plotting program gnuplot.

To plot the histogram with gnuplot on the screen:

echo "set xrange [0:31]; set grid; set xlabel 'Value'; set ylabel 'Data Fraction'; set title 'Histogram'; plot 'raw/19990915.hist' u 1:2 with boxes lw .5 "|gnuplot

or plot to a png image file with gnuplot:

echo "set term png; set output '19990915.hist.png'; set xrange [0:31]; set grid; set xlabel 'Value'; set ylabel 'Data Fraction'; set title 'Histogram \n19990919.fix'; plot 'raw/19990915.hist' u 1:2 with boxes lw .5 "|gnuplot

The data segment used for the estimation can be specified by the user by setting the offset in lines relative to the beginning of the file and the number of lines to use.
Histogram 19990915

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, last change 16-Jun-2012.