Gamma MSP: Reference Manual

SAR Sensor Parameter File

(ASCII file) such as <sensor>.par

<sensor>.par - contains parameter values describing the SAR sensor used to acquire the SAR raw data. This information is used throughout the SAR processing.

ERS1_ESA.par, an existing SAR sensor parameter file for the SAR on the ERS Satellites is used as an example:

title: ERS-1 C-BAND radar 5.3000 GHZ 15.5500 MHz BW
sensor_name: ERS-1
chirp_direction: UP_CHIRP
receiver_adc_mode: IQ
sample_type: BYTE
receiver_spectrum_type: NORMAL
SAR_center_frequency: 5.300000e+09 Hz
chirp_bandwidth: 1.555000e+07 Hz
chirp_duration: 3.712000e-05 s
ADC_sampling_frequency: 1.8962468e+07 Hz
file_header_size: 11644 bytes
record_length: 11644 bytes
record_header_size: 412 bytes
samples_per_record: 5616
antenna_azimuth_3dB_beamwidth: 0.2880 degrees
antenna_range_3dB_beamwidth: 5.4000 degrees
nominal_antenna_azimuth_angle: 90.0000 degrees
nominal_antenna_look_angle: 20.3500 degrees
nominal_platform_pitch_angle: 0.0000 degrees
antenna_pattern_filename: ERS1_antenna.gain


The data types are defined in the MSP software include file typedef_MSP.h

title ascii text description of parameter file
sensor_name sensor name (ERS-1, JERS-1, ...)
chirp_direction chirp direction flag values: (UP_CHIRP, DOWN_CHIRP)
receiver_adc_mode Receiver ADC mode: (REAL, IQ), REAL denotes offset video sampling, while IQ is in-phase/quadrature ADC sampling, 2 samples/point
sample_type sample type (FLOAT, BYTE), floats are 4 bytes/value and bytes are of type unsigned char, 1 byte/value
receiver_spectrum_type SAR receiver spectrum: (NORMAL,INVERT), inverted spectrum caused by the receiver L.O. frequency above the chirp signal spectrum.
SAR_center_frequency carrier frequency for radar (Hz)
chirp_bandwidth chirp bandwidth (Hz)
chirp_duration chirp duration (sec)
ADC_sampling_frequency range analog-digital convertor (ADC) sampling frequency (Hz)
file_header_size SAR raw data file header size (bytes)
record_length length of record (echo) in bytes
record_header_size record header size in bytes
samples_per_record number of samples/echo (an I/Q pair counts as a single sample)
antenna_azimuth_3dB_beamwidth azimuth antenna 3 dB (half-power) beamwidth (decimal deg.)
antenna_range_3dB_beamwidth range antenna 3 dB (half-power) beamwidth (decimal deg.)
nominal_antenna_azimuth_angle nominal azimuth antenna angle (including average. squint for simulation) (decimal degrees CW about N, right looking SAR 90.0, left looking: -90.0)
nominal_antenna_look_angle nominal antenna look angle (decimal degrees CW (includes ave. roll for simulation) about the final T axis, rotation dependent on right or left looking
nominal_platform_pitch_angle nominal platform pitch angle, CW rot. about the temp. C axis, nose up is +
antenna_pattern_filename antenna pattern filename (relative to peak, one-way gain) (not in dB!)

C = N x V /|N x V|
T = C x N
ROLL is measured about T axis CW + (right wing down)
PITCH is measured CW about the temp C axis (nose up +)
YAW is measured CW about +N axis (looking down).

<sensor>.par - contains parameter values for SAR Sensor used throughout the interferometric data processing. This file does not change for JERS-1 and varies slightly for different processing and archive facilities for ERS. For Radarsat and SIR-C this file is created for each new processing run because of the large number of modes supported by each radar. <sensor>.par - is either taken from the existing SAR sensor parameter files or generated using create_sar_par. The formats used in <sensor>.par are defined in the in MSP type definition file typedef_MSP.h.

The values of the SAR sensor parameter file <sensor>.par may be displayed together with the definitions using create_sar_par. This file can also be modified using a text editor.

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, create_sar_parSIRC_proc, RSAT_rawASAR_IM_proc

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2003.
UW, CW, last change 5-Aug-2003.