Gamma MSP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SIRC_proc.c

SIRC_proc - Generates MSP Sensor parameter and Processing Parameter Files for SIR-C data

SIRC_proc <CEOS_leader> <SAR_param> <PROC_param> <PROC_param> [UTC/MET]

<CEOS_leader> CEOS leader file for SIRC data provided by CCRS
<SAR_param> SAR Sensor Parameter File (example: SIRC.par)
<PROC_param> MSP Processing Parameter File
[UTC/MET] raw data time reference: 0=UTC, 1=Mission Elapsed Time, default=UTC

SIRC_proc pr43860_ldr_ceos SIRC.par p43860.slc.par

SIRC_proc reads the CEOS file leader to extracts the parameters required to create the SAR sensor parameter file (usually called SIRC.par) and the MSP processing parameter file. Parameters in SIRC.par depend upon the SIRC SAR mode used for the data acquisition. These modes are characterized by parameters including frequency, polarization mode, and bandwidth.

The time reference for the raw data can be selected to be either Mission Elapsed Time or UTC, with the default set to UTC. MET can be used for extraction of state vectors from state vector data collected during SRL-2 if the included state vectors are in an inertial reference frame rather than in an Earth fixed frame. User specified input parameters include the size of the range FFT, starting range, and the number of echoes to process, and the offset to the first echo to begin processing.

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, SAR Sensor Parameter File, MSP Processing Parameter File, SAR raw data (<orbit>.raw).

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 7-Feb-2000.