Gamma DIFF/GEO: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: MLI_interp_lt.c

MLI_interp_lt - MLI image resampling via a lookup table and SINC interpolation 

MLI_interp_lt <MLI-2> <SLC1_par> <MLI2_par> <lookup_table> <MLI1_par> <MLI2_par> <DIFF_par> <MLI-2R> <MLI2R_par>

<MLI-2> (input) MLI-2 image to be resampled to the geometry of the MLI-1 reference image
<MLI1_par> (input) MLI/MLI ISP image parameter file of the MLI-1 reference
<MLI2_par> (input) MLI/MLI ISP image parameter file of MLI-2
<lookup_table> (input) lookup_table relating MLI-2 to MLI-1
<MLI3_par>  (input) MLI ISP image parameter file of reference MLI-1 (lookup table dimension)
<MLI4_par>  (input) MLI ISP image parameter file of MLI-2 (lookup table values)
<DIFF_par>  (input) DIFF/GEO  parameter file used for refinement (enter - for none)
<MLI-2R>  (output) MLI-2 coregistered to MLI-1
<MLI2R_par  (output) MLI-2R ISP image parameter file for coregistered image

MLI_interp_lt 20040208_vv_IS2.mli 20030921_vv_IS2.mli.par 20040208_vv_IS2.mli.par 20030921_vv_IS2.mli.par 20040208_vv_IS2.mli.par - 20040208_vv_IS2.rmli 20040208_vv_is2.rmli.par

Use the lookup table to resample 20040208_vv_IS2.mli to the geometry of 20030921_vv_IS2.mli. The lookup table has geometry defined by 20030921_vv_IS2.mli.par. Output is in the 20040208_vv_IS2.rmli with parameter file 20040208_vv_IS2.rmli.par. No secondary refinement polynomial model is supplied (DIFF_par).

MLI_interp_lt uses a lookup table generated using the program rdc_trans  to resample one MLI into the geometry of a reference MLI. The lookup table generated by rdc_trans can be smaller than the MLI because values in the lookup table are interpolated to obtain the offsets for each MLI point. Lookup-table geometry is defined by the MLI1_par and the values within the lookup table are related to the MLI2_par file of the second image. The lookup table is generated in rdc_trans using DEM data resampled to Radar range-doppler coordinates as defined in the MLI-1.par. 

1. Generate a DEM in  range-Doppler coordinates using the DIFF/GEO tools (see DIFF users guide)
2. Generate the lookup-table using DIFF/GEO program rdc_trans
3. Use geocode to resample MLI-1 into the geometry of MLI-2
4. Refine lookup table values generated by rdc_trans:
  1. Create DIFF/GEO offset parameter file DIFF_par using create_diff_par
  2. Measure offsets between resampled MLI-1R and MLI-2 (offset_pwrm)
  3. Estimate range and azimuth offset polynomial coefficients ( offset_fitm)
  4. update lookup table values using offset polynomials in the DIFF_par using gc_map_fine
5. Recalculate MLI-2R using MLI_interp_lt using the updated lookup table
6. Confirm lookup table offset correction and goodness of fit:
  1. Create new DIFF/GEO offset parameter file DIFF_par using create_diff_par
  2. Measure offsets between resampled MLI-2R and MLI-1 (offset_pwrm)
  3. Estimate offset polynomial coefficients ( offset_fitm)
  4. Analyze the new residual range and azimuth offset polynomials to confirm goodness of fit
  5. use dis2MLI to confirm goodness of fit between resampled MLI and the reference

The programs create_offset, offset_pwr, and offset_fit are part of the ISP software package. 

A 2D SINC interpolator is used in the resampling of the complex valued data. The interporation takes into account  changes in the Doppler centroid both along-track and in slant range. for Wide-Swath SLC resampling, the lookup table has the same dimensions as MLI-1 and hence, MLI3_par is the same file as MLI1_par and MLI4_par is the same as MLI-2 par. 

rdc_trans, create_diff_par, offset_pwrm, offset_fitm  

© Copyrights for DIFF/GEO Documentation, DIFF/GEO Users Guide and DIFF/GEO Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015. UW, CW, last change15_Jun-2015.