Gamma DIFF: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: rdc_trans.c

Derive lookup table for SLC/MLI coregistration (considering terrain heights) 

rdc_trans <MLI1_par> <DEM_RDC> <MLI2_par> <lt>

<MLI1_par> (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of the reference scene (dimensions of the DEM_RDC and lookup table)
<DEM_RDC> (input) height map in RDC of MLI-1 (float, or constant height value)
<MLI2_par> (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of MLI2 (lookup table values)
<lt> (output) lookup table to resample MLI-2 to the reference MLI-1 geometry(fcomplex)

rdc_trans 05263.mli.par lan_rdc.dem 24936.mli.par lt0

Calculates the lookup table to resample MLI-2 into the geometry of MLI-1  where MLI-1 was used to generate a geocoded image.  

rdc_trans is used for generating a lookup table used to resample one SLC image into the geometry of a reference SLC image using the program SLC_interp_lt.c. MLI images can also be resampled using  MLI_interp_lt.c The lookup table contains the range and azimuth pixel numbers of MLI-2 of the associated pixel in MLI-1.  See the documentation  on SLC_interp_lt.c  for a full description of how to use this lookup table to perform precision resampling of SLC images. 

There are several advantages of using rdc_trans in conjuction with SLC_interp_lt.c. Most important is  that the resampling is performed using a DEM resampled into the SAR geometry. This means that offsets due to topography are incorporatedin the lookup table. The offset model used by SLC_interp is a simple polynomial that is sufficient for most cases where offsets due to topography are less than 0.2 pixel. However for higher resolution systems when combined with large baselines, such as occurs with Radarsat, these topography related offsets can exceed 1 pixel. In that case the approach using a lookup table is required. Another advantage of using a lookup table  is that SLC images acquired using different geometries, such ascending and descending tracks, can be coregistered directly to one another.

SLC_interp_lt.c, MLI_interp_lt.c

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2008.
UW, CW, last change 6-May-2008.