ANSI-C program: SLC_interp_lt.c
SLC_interp_lt - SLC image resampling via a lookup table and SINC
SLC_interp_lt <SLC-2> <SLC1_par>
<SLC2_par> <lookup_table> <MLI1_par>
<MLI2_par> <OFF_par> <SLC-2R>
<SLC-2> | (input) SLC-2 image to be resampled to the geometry of the SLC-1 reference image |
<SLC1_par> | (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of the SLC-1 reference |
<SLC2_par> | (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of SLC-2 |
<lookup_table> | (input) lookup_table relating MLI-2 to MLI-1 |
<MLI1_par> | (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of reference MLI (lookup table dimension) |
<MLI2_par> | (input) SLC/MLI ISP image parameter file of MLI2 (lookup table values) |
<OFF_par> | (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file used for refinement (enter - for none) |
<SLC-2R> | (output) single-look complex image 2 coregistered to SLC-1 |
<SLC2R_par | (output) SLC-2R ISP image parameter file for coregistered image |
SLC_interp_lt 24936.slc 05263.slc.par 24936.slc.par lt1
05263.mli.par 24936.mli.par off.par rslc rslc.par
Use the lookup table lt1 to resample 24936.slc to the geometry of 05263.slc. The lookup table has geometry defined by 24936.mli.par. File off.par is provided for refinement of the lookup table indices. Output is in the rslc with parameter file rslc.par.
SLC_interp_lt uses a lookup table generated using the
program rdc_trans to
resample one SLC into the geometry of a reference SLC. The lookup
table generated by rdc_trans can be smaller than the SLC because
values in the lookup table are interpolated to obtain the offsets
for each SLC point. Lookup-table geometry is defined by the
MLI1_par and the values within the lookup table are coordinates
as defined in the MLI2_par file of the second image. The
lookup table is generated in rdc_trans using DEM data resampled to Radar
range-doppler coordinates (RDC) as defined in the
A slight offset between the resampled and reference SLCs usually remains after an initial resampling due to a combination of inaccuracies in DEM, orbit state vectors, and geocoding. Hence SLC_interp_lt supports adding a offset parameter file (OFF_par) that contains range and azimuth offset polynomials determined between SLC1 and SLC-2R in the initial resampling. The processing steps are as follows:
1. Generate a DEM in SLC range-Doppler coordinates using the DIFF/GEO tools (see DIFF users guide)The programs create_offset, offset_pwr, and offset_fit are part of the ISP software package.
A 2D SINC interpolator is used in the resampling of the complex valued data. The interporation takes into account changes in the Doppler centroid both along-track and in slant range.
As an example here is the annotated processing sequence for an interferometry pair of ERS data from ERS-2 orbit 05263 and ERS-1 orbit 24936 using rdc_trans and SLC_interp_lt..
#generate MLI images from 05263 and 24936 with 2 range
looks and 10 azimuth looks
multi_look 05263.slc 05263.slc.par 05263.mli 05263.mli.par 2
multi_look 24936.slc 24936.slc.par 24936.mli 24936.mli.par 2
#geocode 05263.mli using DIFF/GEO tools, generate DEM in
Radar coordinates using DIFF/.GEO program geocode
#generate initial lookup table lt0 using DEM lan_rdc.dem
resampled in range-Doppler coordinates of 05263.mli. DEM was the
result of terrain
#geocoding of 05263.mli. with 2 range looks and 10 azimuth
looks. The MLI images are 1148 range pixels by 610 azimuth
rdc_trans 05263.mli.par lan_rdc.dem 24936.mli.par
#lookup table refinement generated by rdc_trans. resample
24036.mli into geometry of 05263.mli, file is called mli0
geocode lt 05263.mli 1148 mli0 1148 610 2 0
#measure offset and estimate offset polynomials between
mli0 and 24936.mli, refine lookup table
create_diff_par 24936.mli.par 24936.mli.par diff0 1
init_offsetm mli0 24936.mli diff0 1 1
offset_pwrm mli0 24936.mli diff0 offs0 snr0 - - - 2
offset_fitm offs0 snr0 diff0 coffs0 - - 4
gc_map_fine lt0 1148 diff0 lt1
#resample SLC-2 into geometry of SLC-1 and display, output data
are rslc1 and the iamge parameter file rslc1.par
SLC_interp_lt 24936.slc 05263.slc.par 24936.slc.par lt1
05263.mli.par 24936.mli.par - rslc1 rslc1.par
dis2SLC 05263.slc rslc1 2296 2296 1 6000
#measure offsets for second refinement of lookup table
coordinates using initially resampled SLC. Offset polynomials in
OFF_par offt1
create_offset 05263.slc.par rslc1.par off1
offset_pwr 05263.slc rslc1 05263.slc.par rslc1.par off1 offs1
snr1 - - offsets1 2
offset_fit offs1 snr1 off1 - coffsets1 - 4
#resample SLC-2 again using offset information in OFF_par off1,
output is rslc2 and rslc2.par
SLC_interp_lt 24936.slc 05263.slc.par 24936.slc.par lt1
05263.mli.par 24936.mli.par off1 rslc2 rslc2.par
#check coregistration using display and finding residual
SLC offsets
dis2SLC 05263.slc rslc2 2296 2296 1 6000
create_offset 05263.slc.par rslc2.par off2
offset_pwr 05263.slc rslc2 05263.slc.par rslc2.par off2 offs2
snr2 - - offsets2 2
offset_fit offs2 snr2 off2 - coffsets2 - 4
final range offset poly.
-7.106e-03 5.252e-06 1.826e-06 -1.223e-09
final azimuth offset poly.
-2.603e-02 3.605e-06 1.197e-06 -2.498e-10
final model fit std. dev. (samples) range:
0.0128 azimuth: 0.0199
dis2SLC 05263.slc rslc2 2296 2296 1 6000
#generate interferogram
SLC_intf 05263.slc rslc2 05263.slc.par rslc2.par off1
int2 2 10