GAMMA Differential Interferometry and Geocoding Software: Reference Manual


Perl script: base_calc

base_calc - Generate baseline plot and output file with perpendicular baselines and delta_T values
Generate interferogram table (itab) file specifying SLCs for each interferogram  

base_calc <SLC_tab> <rslc_par> <bperp_file> [itab] [itab_type] [pltflg] [bperp_max] [delta_T_min] [delta_T_max] [delta_n_max]

<SLC_tab> (input) two column list of resampled SLCs and SLC parameter files (including paths) (text)
<SLC_par> (input) reference SLC image parameter filename (include path)
<bperp_file> (output) file containing list of bperp and delta T for each pass relative to the ref_orbit
(output) interferogram table relating SLCs to interferograms
[itab_type] itab type (enter - for default):
  0:single reference (default)
  1:all pairs)
[pltflg] bperp plotting flag (enter - for default):
  0:none (default)
  1: ouput plot in PNG format
  2: screen output
minimum magnitude of bperp (m) (default = all, enter - for default)
maximum magnitude of bperp (m) (default = all, enter - for default)
minimum number of days between passes (default = 0, enter - for default)
maximum number of days between passes
maximum scene number difference between passes


base_calc SLC_tab rslc/19960421.rslc.par landers.bperp itab 1

Reads the SLC parameter filenames SLC_tab file,  and calculates the baselines using orbit 19969421 as the reference. The values of the perpendicular baseline and the time interval are written to the file landers.bperp. A plot is generated written to the file landers.bperp.png.

base_calc SLC_tab rslc/19960421.rslc.par landers.bperp itab_mr 1 2 1 500.0 - 140

In this case the itab file is also created using orbit 19960421 as the reference scene. The itab_mode has been set to 1 (all pairs) meaning that  all non-redundent pairs that meet the selection criteria (bperp <= 500m, delta-T < 140 days) are included in the itab_mr file.  A plot of the interferogram network is displayed on the screen.

base_calc is program that calls base_orbit.c to determine the baselines for interferogram pairs for the set of SLCs listed in the SLC_tab  file. This file contains a two column list of SLC and SLC image parameter files. 

The itab file is a table in text format that relates the SLCs to the interferograms in the interferogram stack. Each row of the itab has 4 entries, SLC-1, SLC-2, INTF, and the switch_flag, where SLC-1, SLC-2, and INTF are record numbers in the SLC and interferogram point data stacks.  The switch_flag entry on each line of the itab file is used to specify if a particular interferogram is to be considered in the further analysis. If zero is present, this particular interferogram is not considered in further analysis.

base_calc generates the itab file using the value of itab_mode and the constraints bperp_max and delta_T_max.  The itab mode specifies if only a single reference is used or if list entries for all possible non-redundent pairs are to be generated . In the case were single reference mode (itab_mode = 0) then only interferograms that include the reference are written to the itab. In the case of itab_mode =1 all possible non-redundent pairs are listed that meet the bperp_max and delta_T_max criteria.  If bperp_max or delta_T_max are given as a - or is not entered,  then this  parameter is not considered.

Plotting of the interferogram network  is supported using gnuplot. Set the pltflg command line parameter to 1 to get the plot in PNG format or to 2 to get the plot directly on the screen.   See also the associated program script base_plot.

SLC_tab, SLC_par, base_orbit, base_plot, itab

Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
last change 5-July-2012.