Gamma DIFF&GEO: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: coord_to_sarpix.c

coord_to_sarpix - Calculate SAR pixel coordinates (iazpix,jrpix) of geographic coordinate.

coord_to_sarpix <SLC_par> <interf_par> <DEM_par> <north/lat> <east/lon> <hgt> [DIFF_par]

<SLC_par> (input) ISP SLC/MLI parameter file
<OFF_par> (input) ISP offset/interferogram parameter file, enter - for SLC or MLI data
<DEM_par> (input) DEM parameter file, enter - for WGS84 lat/lon
<north/lat> northing (m) or latitude (deg.)
<east/lon> easting (m)  or longitude in (deg.)
<hgt> (input) reference height (m) in map datum
[input] DIFF/GEO parameter file containing refinement polynomial coefficients


coord_to_sarpix 19990915.slc.par - utm.dem_par 6245990 160350 600.0

Calculates the corresponding SAR MLI image pixel number and writes it to standard output (azimuth/row, slant range/col).
The dimensions and resolution of the image in SAR range-doppler coordiantes (RDC) are obtained from the
ISP image parameter file (SLC_par).

coord_to_sarpix 19990915.slc.par - utm.dem_par 6245990 160350 600.0 19990915.diff_par

Calculates the corresponding SAR MLI image pixel number and writes it to standard output (azimuth/row, slant range/col).
The dimensions and resolution of the image in SAR range-doppler coordiantes (RDC) are obtained from the ISP image parameter file.  The DIFF_par contains offset polynomials derived during geocoding of the image. These offset polynomials are used to adjust the SLC pixel coordinates for errors in the state vectors and azimuth timing.

coord_to_sarpix 19990915 .slc.par - - 17. -114. 600.0

Calculates the corresponding SAR image pixel number and writes it to standard output (azimuth/row, slant range/col). The input coordinates are geographic coordinates lat/long in WGS84.                                                                     

coord_to_sarpix calculates for an indicated map coordinate the corresponding slant range and azimuth pixel numbers in the SAR range-Doppler geometry defined by the indicated parameter file.  If the DEM parameter file is entered, then the point coordinates in map coordinates are in the projection defined in the DEM parameter file. If no DEM parameter file is specified, the command line input coordinates are assumed to be latitude and longitude in decimal degrees with a WGS84 reference ellipsoid,

The SAR image geometry is defined by the ISP image parameter file. If an additional ISP OFF_par is specified, then the image  parameters will be taken from the OFF_par. In the current use of the Gamma software, interferograms and MLI image products typically cover the
same areas as specified in the SLC/MLI par file and the OFF_par can be ommitted.

Pixel numbers outside the SAR image or interferogram are valid, including negative pixel numbers. These indicate that the point specified in map coordinates lies outside the given SAR image.

If the DIFF_par is provided on the command line, the geocoding offset polynomials that are contained in the parameter file  after scene geocoding can be used to remove residual errors in the pixel coordinates due to state vector and timing errors.

The supported  DEM projections are :

EQA Equiangular geographical coordinates (degrees lat/lon)
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator Projection
TM Transverse Mercator Projection
OM Oblique Mercator
OMCH Oblique Mercator (Switzerland)
HOM Hotine Oblique Mercator
LCC Lambert Conformal Conic (France)
LCC2 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection of Belgium, Madagascar
PS Polar Stereographic Projection
SCH SAR Coordinates used at JPL
PC Polyconic Projection
AEAC Albers Equal Area Conic

A new DEM/map geometry can be defined using the program create_dem_par.

The transformation of coordinates between different map projections is supported by the program coord_trans.

The inverse transformation (SAR image pixel number to map coordinate) is supported by the program sarpix_coord.

coord_trans, sarpix_coord, create_dem_par, datums.h, ellipsoids.h, projection_params.h, typedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h .

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2010.
UW, CW, last change 16--Sep-2010.