Gamma DIFF&GEO: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: data2xyz.c

data2xyz - Convert  float data in map geometry described by a DEM_par to triplets of float: (easting, northing,  data_value) or (latitude, longitude, data_value)

data2xyz <DEM_par> <data> <data_xyz> [dflg]

<DEM_par> (input) DEM parameter file
<data> (input) float format data with same dimensions and spacing as specified in the DEM parameter file
<data_xyz> (output) data triplets in 4-byte float format (northing, easting, data_value)
[dflg] output data format flag:
  0: binary (float)
  1: text format

data2xyz hector_utm_seg.dem_par hector_utm.diff

generates triplets of 4-byte float data values with the format:  (northing,  easting,  displacement)

data2xyz hector_eqa_seg.dem_par hector_eqa.diff

generates triplets of 4-byte float data values with the format:  (latitude, longitude,  displacement)

data2xyz generates triplets of data values with the format easting, north, data-value. As inputs the program requires  a DEM parameter file
and a data file with the dimensions as specified by the DEM parameter file.  Output data format is little-endian for Intel and AMD CPUs.

The data can also be output in text format by setting the value of the dflg command line parameter to 1. There will be one data point per line. These data can be compressed using zip or gzip to get significantly smaller file sizes.

The output data are compatible with the GMT generic mapping tools

DEM_par, typedef_DIFF.h .

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2014.
UW, CW, last change 31-Jul-2014.