Gamma DIFF: Reference Manual


Perl Script: mk_mli_all

mk_mli_all - Calculate MLI images generate multi-temporal MLI from a set of SLCs

mk_mli_all <SLC_tab> <MLI_dir> <rlks> <azlks> [sflag] [scale] [exp] [MLI_ave

<SLC_tab> (input) two column list of SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames (including paths) (ascii)
<MLI_dir > (input) directory to contain MLI images and MLI image parameter files
<rlks> range looks for the MLI images
<azlks> azimuth looks for the MLI images
<sflag> MLI image average flag:
    0: no   (default)
    1: yes
[scale] relative intensity display scale factor (default = 0.7)
[exp] display exponent (default = 0.35)
[MLI_ave] MLI average image filename (without path), file is copied into the MLI_dir
-s scale  MLI radiometric scale factor, nominal value for calibrated SCOMPLEX HH and VV data: 1.e-6


mk_mli_all SLC_tab mli_1_5 1_5 0 .7 .35 

Generates a set of mli images from a set of SLC images listed in the SLC_tab file. The multi-look intensity (MLI) images with extension mli are are placed in the mli_1_5 directory. These are produced using the ISP program multi_look. 

A raster image is produced from each mli image. The DISP program raspwr is used to make an 8-bit Sun Raster format image using a relative scale factor of 0.7 and exponent of 0.35.No average mli image is produced.

mk_mli_all RSLC_tab rmli_1_5 1_5 1 .7 .35 hector_ave.rmli

Generates a set of rmli images from a set of coregistered and resampled SLC images listed in the RSLC_tab file. The RMLI images with extension rmli are are placed in the rmli_1_5 directory. These images are produced using the ISP program multi_look.  A radiometric scale factor is applied to the MLI images of 1.e-6 because the input images are SCOMPLEX formation

The DISP program raspwr is used to make an 8-bit raster format (BMP or Sun Raster) using a default relative scale factor of 0.7 and exponent of 0.35. The rmli images are averaged and stored in the file hector_ave.rmli. The average image is produced using the ISP program ave_image.


The Perl script mk_mli_all takes as input a two column list of SLC images and image parameter files with an example shown below for 2 SLC images. 

more SLC_tab
slc/19990915.slc    slc/19990915.slc.par
slc/19991020.slc    slc/19991020.slc.par

A way to produce this list is to use the DIFF script called  mk_tab. As a prerequisite all the SLC images should be located in the same directory.  The usage of mk_tab is:

$ mk_tab
*** Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 23-May-2012 clw ***
*** Generate SLC_tab, MLI_tab, or RAW_list for processing  ***

usage: /home/cw/GPRI2/trunk/software/mk_tab <dir> <ext-1> <ext-2> <tab>
    dir   (input) directory including paths that contain the data files
    ext-1 (input) pattern to select data files (examples: slc, raw...), (enter - for all files in the directory)
    ext-2 (input) pattern to select parameter files that match the data (enter -  for none, examples: slc.par, raw_par, raw.par)
    tab   (output) list of data filenames and associated parameter files (including paths) (text)

    NOTE: The current directory is denoted using .

The files listed in column 1 of the output tab file has the extension specified by the ext-1 command line parameter and column 2 has the value specified by the ext-2 parameter. Output is written to the tab file listed on the command line. The output of mk_tab is written to the output tab file. To generate the SLC_tab in the example

mk_tab slc slc slc.par SLC_tab

The SLC_tab is then used as input to mk_mli_all. mk_mli_all generates multi-look detected images for each SLC listed in the SLC_tab and places them in the MLI_dir specified on the command line. If the MLI_dir does not exist, it is created. The ISP program multi_look is used to detect and average the SLC image and produce the MLI image parameter file.

A Sun raster image is produced from each of the MLI images in the MLI_dir using the DISP program raspwr. raspwr receives the scale and exponent parameters to produce the 8-bit Sun raster file output.

An average of the MLI images is produced if the average sum flag is set to 1. The name of the output average file is entered on the command line. The average is calculated using the ave_image program.


multilook, ave_image, and raspwr
Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015. UW, CW, last change 19-Jun-2015.