Gamma DIFF/GEO: Reference Manual

Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data from CEOS Level 1.5 Ellipsoid Geocoded PALSAR products

ANSI-C programs: par_EORC_PALSAR_geo.c

par_EORC_PALSAR_geo - Create ISP image parameter file and DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file for a ellipsoid geocoded PALSAR image (Level 1.5)


par_EORC_PALSAR_geo <CEOS_leader&t; <MLI_par> <DEM_par>; <CEOS_data> [MLI] [cal]

<CEOS_leader> (input) CEOS leader file provided by EORC for Level 1.5 ellipsoid geocoded (GEC) data (LED...P1.5GUA)
<MLI_par> (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_map.mli.par
<DEM_par> (output) DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_map.dem_par
<CEOS_data> (input) PALSAR CEOS format Level 1.5 GEC MLI data (IMG...P1.5GUA)
[MLI] (output) reformatted PALSAR  GEC MLI image (example: yyyymmdd_map.mli, enter - for none)
[cal] radiometric calibration factor in dB (enter - for default: -83 for PALSAR-1 data)

par_EORC_PALSAR_geo LED-ALPSRP031591140-P1.5GUA 20060826_map.mli.par 20060826_map.dem_par IMG-HH-ALPSRP031591140-P1.5GUA 20060826_map.mli

par_EORC_PALSAR_geo reads a level 1.5 CEOS format ellipsoid geocoded (GEC) PALSAR images. It generates both an ISP image parameter file and DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file. The ISP image parameter file contains only the polarization, date, and state vector information.  The associated DEM parameter file contains the projection parameters, image dimensions, sample spacing. 

The default map projection for these products is either Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Polar Stereographic (PS). Other projections are possible, but currently not supported by par_EORC_PALSAR_geo. The projection parameters and sample spacing are extracted from the CEOS leader file.

The GEC data are delivered in the form of 16-bit magnitude values. The data are converted to 32-bit floating intensity data. A default calibration factor of -83 dB is applied to produce radiometrically calibrated image data.  This is the default value for PALSAR-1. The user must enter the correct value for PALSAR-2 data.

It is possible to generate a raster image (BMP or Sun raster) of the intensity data using raspwr or ras_dB and then display with geographic information using the disras_dem_par program.

DEM parameter file, typedef_ISP.h

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
UW, CW, last change 19-Mar-2015.