Gamma DIFF/GEO: Reference Manual

Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data from for Terrasar-X GEC and EEC data products

ANSI-C programs: par_TX_geo.c

par_TX_geo - Generate ISP SLC/MLI and DEM parameter files, and image files for Terrasar-X GEC and EEC data


par_TX_geo <annotation_XML> <GEOTIFF> <MLI_par> <DEM_par> <GEO> <pol>

<annotation_XML> (input) TerraSAR-X product annotation XML file provided by DLR (e.g.TSX1_SAR__MGD_SE___SL_S_SRA_20070803T175100_20070803T175102.xml)
<GEOTIFF> (input) MGD file in GEOTIFF format
<MLI_par> (output) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par
<DEM_par> (output) DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file (example: yyyymmdd_map.dem_par
<GEO> (output) geocoded image data file (example: yyyymmdd.geo)
<pol> polarisation, e.g. HH, HV, VH or VV (default: first polarisation found in the annotation XML file)

par_TX_geo TSX1_SAR__EEC_SE___HS_S_SRA_20070704T165948_20070704T165949.xml IMAGE_HH_SRA_spot_042.tif 20070704.mli.par 20070704.dem_par 20070704.geo

par_TX_geo reads a Terrasar-X EEC geocoded image (e.g. IMAGE_HH_SRA_spot_042.tif) and the related annotation file TSX1_SAR__*.xml produced by DLR. It generates both an ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file (e.g. 20070704.mli.par) and a DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file (e.g. 20070704.dem_par), and writes the geocoded image (e.g. 20070704.geo. The ISP image parameter file contains the data, polarization, date, and state vector information. The DEM parameter file contains the image dimensions, sample spacing and map projection parameters.

As polarisation the default value was chosen, i.e. it is assumed that the polarisation corresponds to the first polarisation in the XML annotation file.

The image is reformatted from amplitude, short integer to intensity and floating point format. Absolute calibration is also performed. For data acquired during the commissioning phase (before 7 January 2008) an additional offset of 56 dB needs to be added. This correction can be applied for example with the ISP program radcal_MLI.

The default map projection for these products is either Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Polar Stereographic (PS). Other projections are possible, but currently not supported. The projection parameters and sample spacing are extracted from the annotation file but are also provided in the GEOTIFF file.

DEM parameter file, typedef_DIFF.h

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2007.
UW, CW, awi, last change 28-May-2008.