Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SLC_burst_copy.c

SLC_burst_copy - Copy a single selected burst out of a TOPS mode SLC (fcomplex) and output to an SLC file (fcomplex).

SLC_burst_copy <SLC> <SLC_par> <TOPS_par> <SLC_out> <SLC_out_par> <burst_num> [drflg] [SLC_par2]

<SLC> (input) Sentinel-1 TOPS mode burst SLC
<SLC_par> (input) SLC parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC
<TOPS_par> (input) TOPS parameter file for the TOPS burst SLC
<SLC_out> (output) SLC file containing a single burst
<SLC_out_par> (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC
[burst]  burst number of selected burst (1->number of bursts in the SLC)
[drflag] deramp phase flag:
    0: no modification of the burst SLC phase (default)
   1: subtract TOPS Doppler phase ramp (deramp)
[SLC_par2] (output) SLC parameter file for the single burst SLC with deramped phase (drflg: 1)


To extract burst 4 from 20140809_iw1_vv.slc and save in the file 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc. The SLC parameter file of the burst is 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par.

$ SLC_burst_copy slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par 4


SLC_burst_copy extracts a user defined burst out of a burst SLC as a new SLC image file.  The user has the option to remove the phase ramp introduced by the azmuthal scanning of the antenna beam in TOPS mode. The doppler frequency ramp parameters for the extracted burst are stored in the SLC parameter file.   When deramping the burst, there is the option to output an SLC parameter file with the Doppler centroid polynomials set to zero as is the case for deramped data. The SLC parameter file parameters are calculated for the requested burst. The effective azimuth doppler centroid rate is calculated using the relationships described in the following ESA Application Note:

Definition of the TOPS SLC deramping function for products generated by the S-1 IPF

The Doppler polynomial coefficients in the SLC_par are derived from a least-squares polynomial fit of the calculated effective TOPS Doppler values.

Here is an example of a run of SLC_burst_copy:

$ SLC_burst_copy slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par 4
*** Copy selected burst from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC to a file ***
*** Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 21-Oct-2014 awi/clw ***

TOPS SLC file:           slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc
TOPS SLC parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par
TOPS SLC TOPS_PAR annotation file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
SLC title: s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.tiff
SLC radar sensor: S1A IW IW1 VV
number of bytes/input SLC image line:   170024
number SLC image lines in the file:      14661
number of complex samples/line:          21253
S1 TOPS number of records per burst: 1629
S1 TOPS total number of bursts: 9

S/C velocity vector (m/s) x: -4016.097  y: -2482.025    y: 5948.147
S/C velocity (m/s): 7594.072
radar center frequency: 5.405000e+09
radar wavelength (m): 0.05546576
center slant range of output SLC (m):825174.4959
center output SLC azimuth time (s): 60956.4925
SLC-2 burst 4 date:            2014-08-09T16:55:54.819277
SLC-2 burst 4 Doppler date:    2014-08-09T16:55:56.182957
SLC-2 burst 4 az_FM_rate date: 2014-08-09T16:55:55.220217
SLC-2 burst 4 start time (s): 60954.8193  Doppler_poly_time: 60956.1830    az_FM_rate_time (s): 60955.2202

TOPS azimuth steering rate (deg/s): -1.590369
Doppler centroid rate due to antenna steering (Hz/s): 7.600724e+03
    pixel      range (m)      dr (m)      fd (Hz)      kr (Hz/s)      kt (Hz/s) 
         0    800420.570   -24753.9258      -90.7423    -2326.1896     1781.0899
      1000    802750.132   -22424.3638      -92.0757    -2319.2208     1777.0016
      2000    805079.694   -20094.8018      -93.3819    -2312.2901     1772.9299
      3000    807409.256   -17765.2398      -94.6609    -2305.3975     1768.8750
      4000    809738.818   -15435.6778      -95.9126    -2298.5430     1764.8368
      5000    812068.380   -13106.1158      -97.1371    -2291.7266     1760.8156
      6000    814397.942   -10776.5538      -98.3345    -2284.9483     1756.8113
      7000    816727.504    -8446.9918      -99.5045    -2278.2080     1752.8241
      8000    819057.066    -6117.4298     -100.6474    -2271.5059     1748.8541
      9000    821386.628    -3787.8678     -101.7630    -2264.8418     1744.9012
     10000    823716.190    -1458.3058     -102.8514    -2258.2159     1740.9656
     11000    826045.752      871.2562     -103.9126    -2251.6280     1737.0475
     12000    828375.314     3200.8182     -104.9466    -2245.0782     1733.1467
     13000    830704.876     5530.3802     -105.9534    -2238.5666     1729.2636
     14000    833034.438     7859.9422     -106.9329    -2232.0930     1725.3980
     15000    835364.000    10189.5042     -107.8852    -2225.6575     1721.5501
     16000    837693.562    12519.0662     -108.8103    -2219.2601     1717.7200
     17000    840023.124    14848.6282     -109.7081    -2212.9008     1713.9078
     18000    842352.686    17178.1902     -110.5788    -2206.5796     1710.1135
     19000    844682.248    19507.7522     -111.4222    -2200.2964     1706.3372
     20000    847011.810    21837.3142     -112.2384    -2194.0514     1702.5790
     21000    849341.372    24166.8762     -113.0274    -2187.8445     1698.8390
Doppler polynomial fdp[0]: -1.03519e+02   fdp[1]: -4.54061e-04   fdp[2]: 2.50805e-09   fdp[3]: -5.99291e-25
fd fit chi-square error: 4.66173e-20

Doppler rate poly fdp_dot[0]:  1.73851e+03   fdp_dot[1]: -1.68100e-03   fdp_dot[2]: 1.60560e-09   fdp_dot[3]: 1.05881e-15
kt fit chi-square error: 1.25206e-06
    pixel        dr (m)       fd (Hz)     fd_poly (Hz)    kt (Hz/s)    kt_poly (Hz/s)
         0    -24753.926      -90.7423      -90.7423     1781.0899     1781.0899
      1000    -22424.364      -92.0757      -92.0757     1777.0016     1777.0016
      2000    -20094.802      -93.3819      -93.3819     1772.9299     1772.9299
      3000    -17765.240      -94.6609      -94.6609     1768.8750     1768.8750
      4000    -15435.678      -95.9126      -95.9126     1764.8368     1764.8368
      5000    -13106.116      -97.1371      -97.1371     1760.8156     1760.8156
      6000    -10776.554      -98.3345      -98.3345     1756.8113     1756.8113
      7000     -8446.992      -99.5045      -99.5045     1752.8241     1752.8241
      8000     -6117.430     -100.6474     -100.6474     1748.8541     1748.8541
      9000     -3787.868     -101.7630     -101.7630     1744.9012     1744.9012
     10000     -1458.306     -102.8514     -102.8514     1740.9656     1740.9657
     11000       871.256     -103.9126     -103.9126     1737.0475     1737.0475
     12000      3200.818     -104.9466     -104.9466     1733.1467     1733.1468
     13000      5530.380     -105.9534     -105.9534     1729.2636     1729.2636
     14000      7859.942     -106.9329     -106.9329     1725.3980     1725.3980
     15000     10189.504     -107.8852     -107.8852     1721.5501     1721.5501
     16000     12519.066     -108.8103     -108.8103     1717.7200     1717.7200
     17000     14848.628     -109.7081     -109.7081     1713.9078     1713.9078
     18000     17178.190     -110.5788     -110.5788     1710.1135     1710.1135
     19000     19507.752     -111.4222     -111.4222     1706.3372     1706.3372
     20000     21837.314     -112.2384     -112.2384     1702.5790     1702.5790
     21000     24166.876     -113.0274     -113.0274     1698.8390     1698.8390

SAR position at center time x,y,z (m):   5619154.111   1002214.991   4173373.119
SLC center track time (s):   60956.4925  Doppler (Hz):   -103.519   range(m):  825174.4959
scene center latitude (deg.): 37.11773030   longitude (deg.): 14.65291485
scene center earth radius (m): 6370391.127  incidence angle at scene center (deg.): 33.828116

center swath position at 60956.49250  lat. (deg.): 37.11773030  lon.(deg.): 14.65291485
center swath position at 60956.59250  lat. (deg.): 37.12374468  lon.(deg.): 14.65149853
initial heading (deg.): -13.210973    new heading (deg.): -10.634243

number of lines in the burst: 1629

 line  sample    time (s)      range (m)      phase (rad.)

lines: 1629   width: 21253
extracted burst SLC: slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc
extracted burst SLC parameter file: slc_burst/20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par

user time (s):         0.180
system time (s):       0.120
elapsed time (s):      0.310


SLC_partypedef_ISP.h, TOPS_par

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2014.
last change 10-Dec-2014