ANSI-C program: SLC_copy_S1_TOPS.c
SLC_cat_S1_TOPS - Concatenate adjacent Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC
SLC_cat_S1_TOPS <SLC_tab1> <SLC_tab2>
<SLC1_tab> | (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be copied
in row order IW1, IW2, IW3: SLC_tab line entries: SLC SLC_par TOPS_par |
<SLC2_tab> | (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-2 swaths in the same order as the SLC_tab1 IW1, IW2, IW3... (later time) |
<SLC3_tab> | (output) 3 column list of the output concatenated TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3... |
Extract bursts in the multi-swath Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC with components listed in SLC_201409809_tab1. The copy begins with burst 2 in swath 1 and ends with burst 4 in swath 2.
SLC_cat_S1_TOPS SLC_tab_20141115t053444 SLC_tab_20141115t053508 SLC_tab_20141115t053444_2
Output is written into the files listed in SLC_tab_20141115t053444_2.
SLC_cat_S1_TOPS concatenates 2 burst mode
TOPS SLC data sets. The input files SLC-1 and SLC-2 are
specified by SLC tab files. Each SLC_tab has 3 columns, the
first column is the SLC file, the second is the SLC parameter
file, and the third is the TOPS parameter file that documents the
parameters for each burst in the SLC. Note that the file names
include not just the date but also the time of day in the
format YYYYMMDDtHHMMSS. The starting time of each of the SLCs
differs by a about 1 second because each of the bursts have
different start times in each swath.
The SLC_tab file is a text file with one line for each SLC in the data set. Typically there are 3 images for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Mode. The three columns correspond to the SLC data file name, the SLC parameter file name and the TOPS_par file name. The TOPS_par contains information on each burst in the burst SLC. The SLC_tab can contain fewer than 3 swaths, and in the case of Extended Wide mode, it can contain information for the five sub-swaths. The output SLC_tab can be produced simply with a text editor or written with a script.
Below are examples of the input SLC_tab: SLC_tab_20141115t053444
and later SLC data set: SLC_tab_20141115t053508:
The output SLC TOPS data is the concatenation of the input TOPS mode SLC files: SLC_tab_20141115t053444_2:
An example of running the program is shown here:
$ SLC_cat_S1_TOPS SLC_tab_20141115t053444
SLC_tab_20141115t053508 SLC_tab_20141115t053444_2
*** Concatenate adjacent Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC images ***
*** Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.7 11-Jun-2015 ***
IW TOPS SLC_tab1: SLC_tab_20141115t053444
number of IW SLC swaths in SLC_tab1: 3
IW TOPS SLC2_tab: SLC_tab_20141115t053508
number of IW SLC swaths in TOPS SLC_tab2: 3
IW TOPS SLC_tab3: SLC_tab_20141115t053444_2
number of IW SLC swaths in TOPS SLC_tab3: 3
reading SLC-1 swath: 1
SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053444_iw1_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 801506.812 r2 (m): 851301.199 nr: 21376
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20084.013901 t2 (s):
20109.447299 nlines: 14724 time_per_line (s):
reading SLC-1 swath: 2
SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053442_iw2_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 847816.177 r2 (m): 906653.924 nr: 25258
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20082.147456 t2 (s):
20107.698021 nlines: 15237 time_per_line (s):
reading SLC-1 swath: 3
SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053443_iw3_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 903236.460 r2 (m): 960045.159 nr: 24387
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20083.088901 t2 (s):
20108.676465 nlines: 15408 time_per_line (s):
SLC input data format: SCOMPLEX bytes/sample:
reading SLC-2 swath: 1
SLC-2 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053508_iw1_vv.slc
SLC-2 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-2 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 801506.812 r2 (m): 851301.199 nr: 21376
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20108.840909 t2 (s):
20134.264029 nlines: 14724 time_per_line (s):
reading SLC-2 swath: 2
SLC-2 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053506_iw2_vv.slc
SLC-2 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-2 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 847816.177 r2 (m): 906653.924 nr: 25258
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20106.978575 t2 (s):
20132.522973 nlines: 15237 time_per_line (s):
reading SLC-2 swath: 3
SLC-2 swath SLC: slc_scomplex/20141115t053507_iw3_vv.slc
SLC-2 swath SLC parameter file:
SLC-2 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
r0 (m): 903236.460 r2 (m): 960045.159 nr: 24387
rpix (m): 2.329562 t0 (s): 20107.920020 t2 (s):
20133.503473 nlines: 15408 time_per_line (s):
SLC_tab3 file for output concatenated SLC swaths:
processing SLC-3 swath 1
SLC-3 output swath SLC: slc2/20141115t053444_2_iw1_vv.slc
SLC-3 swath parameter file:
number of data values/burst SLC-1: 34971136 SLC-2:
SLC-3 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
SLC-1 file size (bytes): 1258960896SLC-1 start time t0:
20084.01390 end time t2: 20109.44730
SLC-2 start time t0: 20108.84091 end time
t2: 20134.26403
r0 (m):
sp1[i].r0: 801506.8116 sp2[i].r0
rng samples:
SV start (s): sp1[i].t_state:
20080.14700 sp2[i].t_state: 20104.97800
SV count:
sp1[i].nstate: 31
sp2[i].nstate: 31
SV step (s): sp1[i].tis:
1.00000000 sp2[i].tis: 1.00000000
SV in SLC-1: 31 time of last SLC-1 SV (s): 20110.1470
SV in SLC-2: 31 first SV after SLC-1 (s): 20110.9780
offset: 6
total number of state vectors for interpolation from SLC-1 and
SLC-2: 56
SLC-3 swath t0: 20084.01390 t1:
20109.13896 t2: 20134.26403
number of state vectors in the concatenated SLC-3:
28 time interval(s): 2.000000
SLC-1 state vector start time (s): 20080.14700
tis: 2.00000
SLC-1 timestamp of last state vector: 20110.14700
SLC-3 state vector start time: 20080.14700
SLC-3 last interpolated state vector time: 20110.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-1: 16
SLC-3 time of first state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20112.14700
SLC-2 time of last state vector: 20134.97800
SLC-3 time of last state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20134.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-2: 12
state: 1 svt: 20080.1470 pos_x:
4698801.995 pos_y: 1275790.590 pos_z:
5125250.286 vel_x: 5646.7779 vel_y:
-443.1166 vel_z: -5053.6599
state: 2 svt: 20082.1470 pos_x:
4710084.875 pos_y: 1274899.853 pos_z:
5115131.408 vel_x: 5636.1049 vel_y:
-447.6205 vel_z: -5065.2198
state: 3 svt: 20084.1470 pos_x:
4721346.388 pos_y: 1274000.114 pos_z:
5104989.430 vel_x: 5625.4051 vel_y:
-452.1192 vel_z: -5076.7568
state: 4 svt: 20086.1470 pos_x:
4732586.474 pos_y: 1273091.382 pos_z:
5094824.400 vel_x: 5614.6785 vel_y:
-456.6120 vel_z: -5088.2708
state: 5 svt: 20088.1470 pos_x:
4743805.081 pos_y: 1272173.668 pos_z:
5084636.365 vel_x: 5603.9256 vel_y:
-461.1011 vel_z: -5099.7618
state: 6 svt: 20090.1470 pos_x:
4755002.156 pos_y: 1271246.982 pos_z:
5074425.370 vel_x: 5593.1459 vel_y:
-465.5836 vel_z: -5111.2299
state: 7 svt: 20092.1470 pos_x:
4766177.645 pos_y: 1270311.336 pos_z:
5064191.462 vel_x: 5582.3403 vel_y:
-470.0623 vel_z: -5122.6751
state: 8 svt: 20094.1470 pos_x:
4777331.497 pos_y: 1269366.738 pos_z:
5053934.687 vel_x: 5571.5079 vel_y:
-474.5343 vel_z: -5134.0973
state: 9 svt: 20096.1470 pos_x:
4788463.657 pos_y: 1268413.201 pos_z:
5043655.091 vel_x: 5560.6497 vel_y:
-479.0026 vel_z: -5145.4964
state: 10 svt: 20098.1470 pos_x:
4799574.075 pos_y: 1267450.733 pos_z:
5033352.719 vel_x: 5549.7649 vel_y:
-483.4640 vel_z: -5156.8725
state: 11 svt: 20100.1470 pos_x:
4810662.697 pos_y: 1266479.347 pos_z:
5023027.619 vel_x: 5538.8541 vel_y:
-487.9216 vel_z: -5168.2252
state: 12 svt: 20102.1470 pos_x:
4821729.472 pos_y: 1265499.052 pos_z:
5012679.836 vel_x: 5527.9168 vel_y:
-492.3723 vel_z: -5179.5547
state: 13 svt: 20104.1470 pos_x:
4832774.345 pos_y: 1264509.859 pos_z:
5002309.418 vel_x: 5516.9537 vel_y:
-496.8192 vel_z: -5190.8608
state: 14 svt: 20106.1470 pos_x:
4843797.266 pos_y: 1263511.780 pos_z:
4991916.410 vel_x: 5505.9641 vel_y:
-501.2591 vel_z: -5202.1436
state: 15 svt: 20108.1470 pos_x:
4854798.182 pos_y: 1262504.825 pos_z:
4981500.861 vel_x: 5494.9488 vel_y:
-505.6952 vel_z: -5213.4028
state: 16 svt: 20110.1470 pos_x:
4865777.042 pos_y: 1261489.005 pos_z:
4971062.817 vel_x: 5483.9072 vel_y:
-510.1242 vel_z: -5224.6386
state: 17 svt: 20112.1470 pos_x:
4876734.436 pos_y: 1260464.270 pos_z:
4960601.708 vel_x: 5472.8391 vel_y:
-514.5489 vel_z: -5235.8515
state: 18 svt: 20114.1470 pos_x:
4887669.032 pos_y: 1259430.751 pos_z:
4950118.806 vel_x: 5461.7460 vel_y:
-518.9682 vel_z: -5247.0402
state: 19 svt: 20116.1470 pos_x:
4898581.408 pos_y: 1258388.401 pos_z:
4939613.558 vel_x: 5450.6268 vel_y:
-523.3809 vel_z: -5258.2053
state: 20 svt: 20118.1470 pos_x:
4909471.521 pos_y: 1257337.231 pos_z:
4929086.003 vel_x: 5439.4821 vel_y:
-527.7890 vel_z: -5269.3467
state: 21 svt: 20120.1470 pos_x:
4920339.317 pos_y: 1256277.250 pos_z:
4918536.189 vel_x: 5428.3114 vel_y:
-532.1906 vel_z: -5280.4644
state: 22 svt: 20122.1470 pos_x:
4931184.748 pos_y: 1255208.471 pos_z:
4907964.163 vel_x: 5417.1152 vel_y:
-536.5874 vel_z: -5291.5583
state: 23 svt: 20124.1470 pos_x:
4942007.759 pos_y: 1254130.905 pos_z:
4897369.973 vel_x: 5405.8933 vel_y:
-540.9777 vel_z: -5302.6283
state: 24 svt: 20126.1470 pos_x:
4952808.302 pos_y: 1253044.563 pos_z:
4886753.667 vel_x: 5394.6459 vel_y:
-545.3632 vel_z: -5313.6745
state: 25 svt: 20128.1470 pos_x:
4963586.324 pos_y: 1251949.457 pos_z:
4876115.293 vel_x: 5383.3728 vel_y:
-549.7422 vel_z: -5324.6967
state: 26 svt: 20130.1470 pos_x:
4974341.775 pos_y: 1250845.598 pos_z:
4865454.898 vel_x: 5372.0745 vel_y:
-554.1162 vel_z: -5335.6949
state: 27 svt: 20132.1470 pos_x:
4985074.603 pos_y: 1249732.997 pos_z:
4854772.531 vel_x: 5360.7504 vel_y:
-558.4836 vel_z: -5346.6691
state: 28 svt: 20134.1470 pos_x:
4995784.758 pos_y: 1248611.666 pos_z:
4844068.240 vel_x: 5349.4013 vel_y:
-562.8460 vel_z: -5357.6191
TOPS SLC parameters swath 1:
number of bursts SLC-1: 9
SLC-2: 9
range samp./line SLC-1: 21376 SLC-2: 21376
starting slant range SLC-1: 801506.8116 SLC-2:
azimuth lines: SLC-1: 14724 SLC-2: 14724
lines per burst SLC-1: 1636 SLC-2:
az_steering_rate SLC-1: -1.5904e+00 SLC2:
-1.5904e+00 deg./s
number of bursts in the concatenated output SLC-3: 18
SLC-3 burst: 1 byte
SLC-3 burst: 2 byte
offset: 139884544
SLC-3 burst: 3 byte
offset: 279769088
SLC-3 burst: 4 byte
offset: 419653632
SLC-3 burst: 5 byte
offset: 559538176
SLC-3 burst: 6 byte
offset: 699422720
SLC-3 burst: 7 byte
offset: 839307264
SLC-3 burst: 8 byte
offset: 979191808
SLC-3 burst: 9 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 10 SLC-2 burst:
1 SLC-2
0 SLC-3 offset: 1258960896
SLC-3 burst: 11 SLC-2 burst:
2 SLC-2 offset:
139884544 SLC-3 offset: 1398845440
SLC-3 burst: 12 SLC-2 burst:
3 SLC-2 offset:
279769088 SLC-3 offset: 1538729984
SLC-3 burst: 13 SLC-2 burst:
4 SLC-2 offset:
419653632 SLC-3 offset: 1678614528
SLC-3 burst: 14 SLC-2 burst:
5 SLC-2 offset:
559538176 SLC-3 offset: 1818499072
SLC-3 burst: 15 SLC-2 burst:
6 SLC-2 offset:
699422720 SLC-3 offset: 1958383616
SLC-3 burst: 16 SLC-2 burst:
7 SLC-2 offset:
839307264 SLC-3 offset: 2098268160
SLC-3 burst: 17 SLC-2 burst:
8 SLC-2 offset:
979191808 SLC-3 offset: 2238152704
SLC-3 burst: 18 SLC-2 burst:
9 SLC-2 offset:
1119076352 SLC-3 offset: 2378037248
processing SLC-3 swath 2
SLC-3 output swath SLC: slc2/20141115t053442_2_iw2_vv.slc
SLC-3 swath parameter file:
number of data values/burst SLC-1: 42761794 SLC-2:
SLC-3 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
SLC-1 file size (bytes): 1539424584SLC-1 start time t0:
20082.14746 end time t2: 20107.69802
SLC-2 start time t0: 20106.97858 end time
t2: 20132.52297
r0 (m):
sp1[i].r0: 847816.1769 sp2[i].r0
rng samples:
SV start (s): sp1[i].t_state:
20080.14700 sp2[i].t_state: 20104.97800
SV count:
sp1[i].nstate: 31
sp2[i].nstate: 31
SV step (s): sp1[i].tis:
1.00000000 sp2[i].tis: 1.00000000
SV in SLC-1: 31 time of last SLC-1 SV (s): 20110.1470
SV in SLC-2: 31 first SV after SLC-1 (s): 20110.9780
offset: 6
total number of state vectors for interpolation from SLC-1 and
SLC-2: 56
SLC-3 swath t0: 20082.14746 t1:
20107.33521 t2: 20132.52297
number of state vectors in the concatenated SLC-3:
27 time interval(s): 2.000000
SLC-1 state vector start time (s): 20080.14700
tis: 2.00000
SLC-1 timestamp of last state vector: 20110.14700
SLC-3 state vector start time: 20080.14700
SLC-3 last interpolated state vector time: 20110.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-1: 16
SLC-3 time of first state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20112.14700
SLC-2 time of last state vector: 20134.97800
SLC-3 time of last state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20134.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-2: 12
state: 1 svt: 20080.1470 pos_x:
4698801.995 pos_y: 1275790.590 pos_z:
5125250.286 vel_x: 5646.7779 vel_y:
-443.1166 vel_z: -5053.6599
state: 2 svt: 20082.1470 pos_x:
4710084.875 pos_y: 1274899.853 pos_z:
5115131.408 vel_x: 5636.1049 vel_y:
-447.6205 vel_z: -5065.2198
state: 3 svt: 20084.1470 pos_x:
4721346.388 pos_y: 1274000.114 pos_z:
5104989.430 vel_x: 5625.4051 vel_y:
-452.1192 vel_z: -5076.7568
state: 4 svt: 20086.1470 pos_x:
4732586.474 pos_y: 1273091.382 pos_z:
5094824.400 vel_x: 5614.6785 vel_y:
-456.6120 vel_z: -5088.2708
state: 5 svt: 20088.1470 pos_x:
4743805.081 pos_y: 1272173.668 pos_z:
5084636.365 vel_x: 5603.9256 vel_y:
-461.1011 vel_z: -5099.7618
state: 6 svt: 20090.1470 pos_x:
4755002.156 pos_y: 1271246.982 pos_z:
5074425.370 vel_x: 5593.1459 vel_y:
-465.5836 vel_z: -5111.2299
state: 7 svt: 20092.1470 pos_x:
4766177.645 pos_y: 1270311.336 pos_z:
5064191.462 vel_x: 5582.3403 vel_y:
-470.0623 vel_z: -5122.6751
state: 8 svt: 20094.1470 pos_x:
4777331.497 pos_y: 1269366.738 pos_z:
5053934.687 vel_x: 5571.5079 vel_y:
-474.5343 vel_z: -5134.0973
state: 9 svt: 20096.1470 pos_x:
4788463.657 pos_y: 1268413.201 pos_z:
5043655.091 vel_x: 5560.6497 vel_y:
-479.0026 vel_z: -5145.4964
state: 10 svt: 20098.1470 pos_x:
4799574.075 pos_y: 1267450.733 pos_z:
5033352.719 vel_x: 5549.7649 vel_y:
-483.4640 vel_z: -5156.8725
state: 11 svt: 20100.1470 pos_x:
4810662.697 pos_y: 1266479.347 pos_z:
5023027.619 vel_x: 5538.8541 vel_y:
-487.9216 vel_z: -5168.2252
state: 12 svt: 20102.1470 pos_x:
4821729.472 pos_y: 1265499.052 pos_z:
5012679.836 vel_x: 5527.9168 vel_y:
-492.3723 vel_z: -5179.5547
state: 13 svt: 20104.1470 pos_x:
4832774.345 pos_y: 1264509.859 pos_z:
5002309.418 vel_x: 5516.9537 vel_y:
-496.8192 vel_z: -5190.8608
state: 14 svt: 20106.1470 pos_x:
4843797.266 pos_y: 1263511.780 pos_z:
4991916.410 vel_x: 5505.9641 vel_y:
-501.2591 vel_z: -5202.1436
state: 15 svt: 20108.1470 pos_x:
4854798.182 pos_y: 1262504.825 pos_z:
4981500.861 vel_x: 5494.9488 vel_y:
-505.6952 vel_z: -5213.4028
state: 16 svt: 20110.1470 pos_x:
4865777.042 pos_y: 1261489.005 pos_z:
4971062.817 vel_x: 5483.9072 vel_y:
-510.1242 vel_z: -5224.6386
state: 17 svt: 20112.1470 pos_x:
4876734.436 pos_y: 1260464.270 pos_z:
4960601.708 vel_x: 5472.8391 vel_y:
-514.5489 vel_z: -5235.8515
state: 18 svt: 20114.1470 pos_x:
4887669.032 pos_y: 1259430.751 pos_z:
4950118.806 vel_x: 5461.7460 vel_y:
-518.9682 vel_z: -5247.0402
state: 19 svt: 20116.1470 pos_x:
4898581.408 pos_y: 1258388.401 pos_z:
4939613.558 vel_x: 5450.6268 vel_y:
-523.3809 vel_z: -5258.2053
state: 20 svt: 20118.1470 pos_x:
4909471.521 pos_y: 1257337.231 pos_z:
4929086.003 vel_x: 5439.4821 vel_y:
-527.7890 vel_z: -5269.3467
state: 21 svt: 20120.1470 pos_x:
4920339.317 pos_y: 1256277.250 pos_z:
4918536.189 vel_x: 5428.3114 vel_y:
-532.1906 vel_z: -5280.4644
state: 22 svt: 20122.1470 pos_x:
4931184.748 pos_y: 1255208.471 pos_z:
4907964.163 vel_x: 5417.1152 vel_y:
-536.5874 vel_z: -5291.5583
state: 23 svt: 20124.1470 pos_x:
4942007.759 pos_y: 1254130.905 pos_z:
4897369.973 vel_x: 5405.8933 vel_y:
-540.9777 vel_z: -5302.6283
state: 24 svt: 20126.1470 pos_x:
4952808.302 pos_y: 1253044.563 pos_z:
4886753.667 vel_x: 5394.6459 vel_y:
-545.3632 vel_z: -5313.6745
state: 25 svt: 20128.1470 pos_x:
4963586.324 pos_y: 1251949.457 pos_z:
4876115.293 vel_x: 5383.3728 vel_y:
-549.7422 vel_z: -5324.6967
state: 26 svt: 20130.1470 pos_x:
4974341.775 pos_y: 1250845.598 pos_z:
4865454.898 vel_x: 5372.0745 vel_y:
-554.1162 vel_z: -5335.6949
state: 27 svt: 20132.1470 pos_x:
4985074.603 pos_y: 1249732.997 pos_z:
4854772.531 vel_x: 5360.7504 vel_y:
-558.4836 vel_z: -5346.6691
state: 28 svt: 20134.1470 pos_x:
4995784.758 pos_y: 1248611.666 pos_z:
4844068.240 vel_x: 5349.4013 vel_y:
-562.8460 vel_z: -5357.6191
TOPS SLC parameters swath 2:
number of bursts SLC-1: 9
SLC-2: 9
range samp./line SLC-1: 25258 SLC-2: 25258
starting slant range SLC-1: 847816.1769 SLC-2:
azimuth lines: SLC-1: 15237 SLC-2: 15237
lines per burst SLC-1: 1693 SLC-2:
az_steering_rate SLC-1: -9.7986e-01 SLC2:
-9.7986e-01 deg./s
number of bursts in the concatenated output SLC-3: 18
SLC-3 burst: 1 byte
SLC-3 burst: 2 byte
offset: 171047176
SLC-3 burst: 3 byte
offset: 342094352
SLC-3 burst: 4 byte
offset: 513141528
SLC-3 burst: 5 byte
offset: 684188704
SLC-3 burst: 6 byte
offset: 855235880
SLC-3 burst: 7 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 8 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 9 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 10 SLC-2 burst:
1 SLC-2
0 SLC-3 offset: 1539424584
SLC-3 burst: 11 SLC-2 burst:
2 SLC-2 offset:
171047176 SLC-3 offset: 1710471760
SLC-3 burst: 12 SLC-2 burst:
3 SLC-2 offset:
342094352 SLC-3 offset: 1881518936
SLC-3 burst: 13 SLC-2 burst:
4 SLC-2 offset:
513141528 SLC-3 offset: 2052566112
SLC-3 burst: 14 SLC-2 burst:
5 SLC-2 offset:
684188704 SLC-3 offset: 2223613288
SLC-3 burst: 15 SLC-2 burst:
6 SLC-2 offset:
855235880 SLC-3 offset: 2394660464
SLC-3 burst: 16 SLC-2 burst:
7 SLC-2 offset:
1026283056 SLC-3 offset: 2565707640
SLC-3 burst: 17 SLC-2 burst:
8 SLC-2 offset:
1197330232 SLC-3 offset: 2736754816
SLC-3 burst: 18 SLC-2 burst:
9 SLC-2 offset:
1368377408 SLC-3 offset: 2907801992
processing SLC-3 swath 3
SLC-3 output swath SLC: slc2/20141115t053443_2_iw3_vv.slc
SLC-3 swath parameter file:
number of data values/burst SLC-1: 41750544 SLC-2:
SLC-3 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file:
SLC-1 file size (bytes): 1503019584SLC-1 start time t0:
20083.08890 end time t2: 20108.67647
SLC-2 start time t0: 20107.92002 end time
t2: 20133.50347
r0 (m):
sp1[i].r0: 903236.4596 sp2[i].r0
rng samples:
SV start (s): sp1[i].t_state:
20080.14700 sp2[i].t_state: 20104.97800
SV count:
sp1[i].nstate: 31
sp2[i].nstate: 31
SV step (s): sp1[i].tis:
1.00000000 sp2[i].tis: 1.00000000
SV in SLC-1: 31 time of last SLC-1 SV (s): 20110.1470
SV in SLC-2: 31 first SV after SLC-1 (s): 20110.9780
offset: 6
total number of state vectors for interpolation from SLC-1 and
SLC-2: 56
SLC-3 swath t0: 20083.08890 t1:
20108.29619 t2: 20133.50347
number of state vectors in the concatenated SLC-3:
27 time interval(s): 2.000000
SLC-1 state vector start time (s): 20080.14700
tis: 2.00000
SLC-1 timestamp of last state vector: 20110.14700
SLC-3 state vector start time: 20080.14700
SLC-3 last interpolated state vector time: 20110.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-1: 16
SLC-3 time of first state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20112.14700
SLC-2 time of last state vector: 20134.97800
SLC-3 time of last state vector interpolated from SLC-2 state
vectors: 20134.14700
number of state vectors in SLC-3 interpolated from state vectors
in SLC-2: 12
state: 1 svt: 20080.1470 pos_x:
4698801.995 pos_y: 1275790.590 pos_z:
5125250.286 vel_x: 5646.7779 vel_y:
-443.1166 vel_z: -5053.6599
state: 2 svt: 20082.1470 pos_x:
4710084.875 pos_y: 1274899.853 pos_z:
5115131.408 vel_x: 5636.1049 vel_y:
-447.6205 vel_z: -5065.2198
state: 3 svt: 20084.1470 pos_x:
4721346.388 pos_y: 1274000.114 pos_z:
5104989.430 vel_x: 5625.4051 vel_y:
-452.1192 vel_z: -5076.7568
state: 4 svt: 20086.1470 pos_x:
4732586.474 pos_y: 1273091.382 pos_z:
5094824.400 vel_x: 5614.6785 vel_y:
-456.6120 vel_z: -5088.2708
state: 5 svt: 20088.1470 pos_x:
4743805.081 pos_y: 1272173.668 pos_z:
5084636.365 vel_x: 5603.9256 vel_y:
-461.1011 vel_z: -5099.7618
state: 6 svt: 20090.1470 pos_x:
4755002.156 pos_y: 1271246.982 pos_z:
5074425.370 vel_x: 5593.1459 vel_y:
-465.5836 vel_z: -5111.2299
state: 7 svt: 20092.1470 pos_x:
4766177.645 pos_y: 1270311.336 pos_z:
5064191.462 vel_x: 5582.3403 vel_y:
-470.0623 vel_z: -5122.6751
state: 8 svt: 20094.1470 pos_x:
4777331.497 pos_y: 1269366.738 pos_z:
5053934.687 vel_x: 5571.5079 vel_y:
-474.5343 vel_z: -5134.0973
state: 9 svt: 20096.1470 pos_x:
4788463.657 pos_y: 1268413.201 pos_z:
5043655.091 vel_x: 5560.6497 vel_y:
-479.0026 vel_z: -5145.4964
state: 10 svt: 20098.1470 pos_x:
4799574.075 pos_y: 1267450.733 pos_z:
5033352.719 vel_x: 5549.7649 vel_y:
-483.4640 vel_z: -5156.8725
state: 11 svt: 20100.1470 pos_x:
4810662.697 pos_y: 1266479.347 pos_z:
5023027.619 vel_x: 5538.8541 vel_y:
-487.9216 vel_z: -5168.2252
state: 12 svt: 20102.1470 pos_x:
4821729.472 pos_y: 1265499.052 pos_z:
5012679.836 vel_x: 5527.9168 vel_y:
-492.3723 vel_z: -5179.5547
state: 13 svt: 20104.1470 pos_x:
4832774.345 pos_y: 1264509.859 pos_z:
5002309.418 vel_x: 5516.9537 vel_y:
-496.8192 vel_z: -5190.8608
state: 14 svt: 20106.1470 pos_x:
4843797.266 pos_y: 1263511.780 pos_z:
4991916.410 vel_x: 5505.9641 vel_y:
-501.2591 vel_z: -5202.1436
state: 15 svt: 20108.1470 pos_x:
4854798.182 pos_y: 1262504.825 pos_z:
4981500.861 vel_x: 5494.9488 vel_y:
-505.6952 vel_z: -5213.4028
state: 16 svt: 20110.1470 pos_x:
4865777.042 pos_y: 1261489.005 pos_z:
4971062.817 vel_x: 5483.9072 vel_y:
-510.1242 vel_z: -5224.6386
state: 17 svt: 20112.1470 pos_x:
4876734.436 pos_y: 1260464.270 pos_z:
4960601.708 vel_x: 5472.8391 vel_y:
-514.5489 vel_z: -5235.8515
state: 18 svt: 20114.1470 pos_x:
4887669.032 pos_y: 1259430.751 pos_z:
4950118.806 vel_x: 5461.7460 vel_y:
-518.9682 vel_z: -5247.0402
state: 19 svt: 20116.1470 pos_x:
4898581.408 pos_y: 1258388.401 pos_z:
4939613.558 vel_x: 5450.6268 vel_y:
-523.3809 vel_z: -5258.2053
state: 20 svt: 20118.1470 pos_x:
4909471.521 pos_y: 1257337.231 pos_z:
4929086.003 vel_x: 5439.4821 vel_y:
-527.7890 vel_z: -5269.3467
state: 21 svt: 20120.1470 pos_x:
4920339.317 pos_y: 1256277.250 pos_z:
4918536.189 vel_x: 5428.3114 vel_y:
-532.1906 vel_z: -5280.4644
state: 22 svt: 20122.1470 pos_x:
4931184.748 pos_y: 1255208.471 pos_z:
4907964.163 vel_x: 5417.1152 vel_y:
-536.5874 vel_z: -5291.5583
state: 23 svt: 20124.1470 pos_x:
4942007.759 pos_y: 1254130.905 pos_z:
4897369.973 vel_x: 5405.8933 vel_y:
-540.9777 vel_z: -5302.6283
state: 24 svt: 20126.1470 pos_x:
4952808.302 pos_y: 1253044.563 pos_z:
4886753.667 vel_x: 5394.6459 vel_y:
-545.3632 vel_z: -5313.6745
state: 25 svt: 20128.1470 pos_x:
4963586.324 pos_y: 1251949.457 pos_z:
4876115.293 vel_x: 5383.3728 vel_y:
-549.7422 vel_z: -5324.6967
state: 26 svt: 20130.1470 pos_x:
4974341.775 pos_y: 1250845.598 pos_z:
4865454.898 vel_x: 5372.0745 vel_y:
-554.1162 vel_z: -5335.6949
state: 27 svt: 20132.1470 pos_x:
4985074.603 pos_y: 1249732.997 pos_z:
4854772.531 vel_x: 5360.7504 vel_y:
-558.4836 vel_z: -5346.6691
state: 28 svt: 20134.1470 pos_x:
4995784.758 pos_y: 1248611.666 pos_z:
4844068.240 vel_x: 5349.4013 vel_y:
-562.8460 vel_z: -5357.6191
TOPS SLC parameters swath 3:
number of bursts SLC-1: 9
SLC-2: 9
range samp./line SLC-1: 24387 SLC-2: 24387
starting slant range SLC-1: 903236.4596 SLC-2:
azimuth lines: SLC-1: 15408 SLC-2: 15408
lines per burst SLC-1: 1712 SLC-2:
az_steering_rate SLC-1: -1.3974e+00 SLC2:
-1.3974e+00 deg./s
number of bursts in the concatenated output SLC-3: 18
SLC-3 burst: 1 byte
SLC-3 burst: 2 byte
offset: 167002176
SLC-3 burst: 3 byte
offset: 334004352
SLC-3 burst: 4 byte
offset: 501006528
SLC-3 burst: 5 byte
offset: 668008704
SLC-3 burst: 6 byte
offset: 835010880
SLC-3 burst: 7 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 8 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 9 byte offset:
SLC-3 burst: 10 SLC-2 burst:
1 SLC-2
0 SLC-3 offset: 1503019584
SLC-3 burst: 11 SLC-2 burst:
2 SLC-2 offset:
167002176 SLC-3 offset: 1670021760
SLC-3 burst: 12 SLC-2 burst:
3 SLC-2 offset:
334004352 SLC-3 offset: 1837023936
SLC-3 burst: 13 SLC-2 burst:
4 SLC-2 offset:
501006528 SLC-3 offset: 2004026112
SLC-3 burst: 14 SLC-2 burst:
5 SLC-2 offset:
668008704 SLC-3 offset: 2171028288
SLC-3 burst: 15 SLC-2 burst:
6 SLC-2 offset:
835010880 SLC-3 offset: 2338030464
SLC-3 burst: 16 SLC-2 burst:
7 SLC-2 offset:
1002013056 SLC-3 offset: 2505032640
SLC-3 burst: 17 SLC-2 burst:
8 SLC-2 offset:
1169015232 SLC-3 offset: 2672034816
SLC-3 burst: 18 SLC-2 burst:
9 SLC-2 offset:
1336017408 SLC-3 offset: 2839036992
user time (s):
system time (s): 7.980
elapsed time (s): 160.050
SLC_par, typedef_ISP.h, TOPS_par