Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SLC_copy_S1_TOPS.c

SLC_copy_S1_TOPS - Copy multiple bursts from a Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC

  SLC_copy_S1_TOPS <SLC1_tab> <SLC2_tab> <s1> <bn1> <s2> <bn2> [dtype]

<SLC1_tab> (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC-1 swaths to be copied in row order IW1, IW2, IW3:
            SLC_tab line entries:   SLC    SLC_par   TOPS_par
<SLC2_tab> (input) 3 column list of the output copied SLC-1 TOPS swaths in the order IW1, IW2, IW3
<TOPS_par_in> index of the swath containing the first burst to copy (1 --> number of swaths in SLC1_tab)
<sw1> index of the swath containing the first burst to copy (1 --> number of swaths in SLC1_tab)
<bn1> burst number of the first burst to copy in SLC swath sw1 (1 --> number of bursts in the swath
<sw2> index of the swath containing the last burst to copy (1 --> number of swaths in SLC1_tab)
<bn2> burst number of the last burst to copy in SLC swath sw2 (1 --> number of bursts in the swath)
[dtype] output data type (default: same as input data):
     0: FCOMPLEX
     1: SCOMPLEX


Extract bursts in the multi-swath Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC with components listed in SLC_201409809_tab1. The copy begins with burst 2 in swath 1 and ends with burst 4 in swath 2.

SLC_copy_S1_TOPS SLC_20140809_tab1 SLC_20140809_tab2 1 2 2 4

Output is written into the files listed in SLC_20140809_tab2.


SLC_copy_S1_TOPS copies a set of SLC bursts from one data set to an output data set. The starting time is specified by start time of burst bn1 in swath sw1. The last burst to be copied is specified on the command line by sw2 and bn2. No burst is copied that begins after bn2 in sw2.  Different TOPS acquisitions by Sentinel-1 may not cover the same bursts. SLC_copy_S1_TOPS can be used to ensure that the different image swaths cover the same bursts so that they can be coregistered.  The program functions by scanning the start time of each burst. If the start time lies between the start burst and end burst start times,  it is copied. to the output. The user must provide an SLC_tab list that contains the name of the output data files.  Calculations are performed using the Modified Julian Date (MJD) of the bursts to allow direct comparison of burst start times.

The SLC_tab file is a text file with one line for each SLC in the data set. Typically there are 3 images for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Mode.  The three columns correspond to the SLC data file name, the SLC parameter file name and the TOPS_par file name. The TOPS_par contains information on each burst in the burst SLC.  The SLC_tab can contain fewer than 3 records, and in the case of Extended Wide mode, it can contain information for the five sub-swaths. The output SLC_tab can be produced simply with a text editor or written with a script.

Below are examples of the input SLC_tab: SLC_20140809_tab1

slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.tops_par

and the output SLC_tab SLC_201409809_tab2:

slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.slc  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.slc  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.slc  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.tops_par

It is very useful to determine which swath has the earliest start time so that the desired bursts can be extracted. The start time of the SLCs is recorded in the SLC parameter files of the individual swaths. To simply view the start times the grep utility is useful:

$ grep start_time slc/*.slc.par
slc/20141115t053442_iw2_vv.slc.par:start_time:             20082.147456   s
slc/20141115t053443_iw3_vv.slc.par:start_time:             20083.088901   s
slc/20141115t053444_iw1_vv.slc.par:start_time:             20084.013901   s

SLC_copy_S1_TOPS can change the data type of the SLC data to be either fcomplex or scomplex by setting the dtype flag for the output data. By default the output data type is the same as the input file.


An example of running the program is shown here:

$ SLC_copy_S1_TOPS SLC_20140809_tab1 SLC_20140809_tab2 1 2 2 4
*** Copy multiple bursts from a Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC ***
*** Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing v1.1 26-Nov-2014 ***
TOPS SLC1_tab: SLC_20140809_tab1
number of SLC swaths in SLC1_tab: 3

SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
r0 (m): 800420.570  r2 (m): 849928.422  nr: 21253  rpix (m):  2.329562  t0 (s): 60946.535388  t2 (s): 60971.946175  nlines:  14661  time_per_line (s): 2.055556e-03

SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc.par
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.tops_par
r0 (m): 846820.788  r2 (m): 905423.250  nr: 25157  rpix (m):  2.329562  t0 (s): 60947.429555  t2 (s): 60972.949286  nlines:  15174  time_per_line (s): 2.055556e-03

SLC-1 swath SLC: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc
SLC-1 swath SLC parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc.par
SLC-1 swath TOPS_PAR burst parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.tops_par
r0 (m): 902355.220  r2 (m): 958989.201  nr: 24312  rpix (m):  2.329562  t0 (s): 60948.368944  t2 (s): 60973.938009  nlines:  15345  time_per_line (s): 2.055556e-03

SLC2_tab file for S1 TOPS burst SLC section (output): SLC_20140809_tab2

SLC swath number for the first burst: 1  burst number: 2
burst 1 start date: 2014-08-09T16:55:49.308333   seconds of day: 60949.30833
burst 1  MJD: 23596.705431809  seconds of day: 60949.30833

SLC swath number for the last burst:  2  burst number: 4
burst 2 start date: 2014-08-09T16:55:55.705225   seconds of day: 60955.70522
burst 2  MJD: 23596.705505848  seconds of day: 60955.70522
maximum number of bursts in an SLC swath: 9

******* SLC swath: 1 *******
TOPS SLC-2 swath section (output):    slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.slc
TOPS SLC-2 section SLC_par (output):  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par
TOPS SLC-2 section TOPS_par (output): slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records: 14661
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records per burst: 1629
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of bursts: 9
number of range samples in the SLC-1 swath: 21253
total number of records in the SLC-1 swath: 14661
number of bytes/burst: 276969096
modified Julian date (MJD) first copied burst:  23596.70543181
modified Julian date (MJD) last copied burst:   23596.70550585

burst 1   2014-08-09T16:55:46.535387   MJD: 23596.705399715
burst 2   2014-08-09T16:55:49.308333   MJD: 23596.705431809
copying burst to output, byte offset: 0
burst 3   2014-08-09T16:55:52.060721   MJD: 23596.705463666
copying burst to output, byte offset: 276969096
burst 4   2014-08-09T16:55:54.819277   MJD: 23596.705495593
copying burst to output, byte offset: 553938192
burst 5   2014-08-09T16:55:57.577837   MJD: 23596.705527521
burst 6   2014-08-09T16:56:00.336394   MJD: 23596.705559449
burst 7   2014-08-09T16:56:03.094950   MJD: 23596.705591377
burst 8   2014-08-09T16:56:05.853506   MJD: 23596.705623304
burst 9   2014-08-09T16:56:08.599730   MJD: 23596.705655089
number of bursts written to output SLC-2:    3
number of lines written to the output SLC-2: 4887

******* SLC swath: 2 *******
TOPS SLC-2 swath section (output):    slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.slc
TOPS SLC-2 section SLC_par (output):  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.slc.par
TOPS SLC-2 section TOPS_par (output): slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw2_vv.tops_par
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records: 15174
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records per burst: 1686
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of bursts: 9
number of range samples in the SLC-1 swath: 25157
total number of records in the SLC-1 swath: 15174
number of bytes/burst: 339317616
modified Julian date (MJD) first copied burst:  23596.70543181
modified Julian date (MJD) last copied burst:   23596.70550585

burst 1   2014-08-09T16:55:47.429554   MJD: 23596.705410064
burst 2   2014-08-09T16:55:50.192221   MJD: 23596.705442040
copying burst to output, byte offset: 0
burst 3   2014-08-09T16:55:52.948721   MJD: 23596.705473944
copying burst to output, byte offset: 339317616
burst 4   2014-08-09T16:55:55.705225   MJD: 23596.705505848
copying burst to output, byte offset: 678635232
burst 5   2014-08-09T16:55:58.463782   MJD: 23596.705537775
burst 6   2014-08-09T16:56:01.226447   MJD: 23596.705569751
burst 7   2014-08-09T16:56:03.997340   MJD: 23596.705601821
burst 8   2014-08-09T16:56:06.751784   MJD: 23596.705633701
burst 9   2014-08-09T16:56:09.485674   MJD: 23596.705665343
number of bursts written to output SLC-2:    3
number of lines written to the output SLC-2: 5058

******* SLC swath: 3 *******
TOPS SLC-2 swath section (output):    slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.slc
TOPS SLC-2 section SLC_par (output):  slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.slc.par
TOPS SLC-2 section TOPS_par (output): slc_TOPS_section/20140809_iw3_vv.tops_par
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records: 15345
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of records per burst: 1705
TOPS SLC-1 swath number of bursts: 9
number of range samples in the SLC-1 swath: 24312
total number of records in the SLC-1 swath: 15345
number of bytes/burst: 331615680
modified Julian date (MJD) first copied burst:  23596.70543181
modified Julian date (MJD) last copied burst:   23596.70550585

burst 1   2014-08-09T16:55:48.368942   MJD: 23596.705420937
burst 2   2014-08-09T16:55:51.127499   MJD: 23596.705452865
copying burst to output, byte offset: 0
burst 3   2014-08-09T16:55:53.884001   MJD: 23596.705484769
copying burst to output, byte offset: 331615680
burst 4   2014-08-09T16:55:56.642557   MJD: 23596.705516696
burst 5   2014-08-09T16:55:59.403170   MJD: 23596.705548648
burst 6   2014-08-09T16:56:02.163782   MJD: 23596.705580599
burst 7   2014-08-09T16:56:04.928503   MJD: 23596.705612598
burst 8   2014-08-09T16:56:07.682951   MJD: 23596.705644479
burst 9   2014-08-09T16:56:10.435339   MJD: 23596.705676335
number of bursts written to output SLC-2:    2
number of lines written to the output SLC-2: 3410

user time (s):         0.000
system time (s):       1.930
elapsed time (s):     20.110


SLC_partypedef_ISP.h, TOPS_par

Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
last change 29-Jun-2015.