Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SLC_deramp.c

SLC_deramp - Calculate and subtract Doppler phase from an SLC

  SLC_deramp <SLC1_tab> <SLC2_tab> <s1> <bn1> <s2> <bn2>

<SLC-1> (input) SLC data file (fcomplex or scomplex format)
<SLC_par1> (input) SLC parameter file with Doppler information
<SLC-2> (output) SLC with Doppler phase removed (or added)
<SLC_par2> (output) SLC parameter file with Doppler information
<mode > mode of operation:
    0: subtract Doppler phase (deramp)
    1: add Doppler phase ramp (reramp)
<dopph> (output) Doppler phase (FLOAT)


Apply azimuth deramp to a single burst from a Sentinel-1 TOPS acquisition, and save the deramp phase:

SLC_deramp 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc.par 0 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.dph

Output is written into 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc. The deramp phase function to 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.dph.


SLC_deramp calculates the Doppler phase by integration of the Doppler function in the SLC_par.  In the case of TOPS mode data from Sentinel-1, this doppler polynomial is calculated by SLC_burst_copy.

For Spotlight Mode from TerraSAR-X,  the along-track change in Doppler rate polynomial can be calculated from the raw data doppler polynomial and the FM rate provided with the SLC annotation.

The Doppler phase that is applied to the data is calculated by simple integration of the Doppler function with respect to azimuth time.  The Doppler phase function is set to 0.0 at the azimuth center line of the SLC.

An example of running SLC_deramp is shown below:

$ SLC_deramp 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc.par 0
*** Calculate and subtract Doppler phase from an SLC image ***
*** Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 24-Oct-2014 clw ***

SLC-1 file:           20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc
SLC parameter file 1: 20140809_iw1_vv_4.slc.par
SLC-1 title: s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.tiff
SLC-1 radar sensor: S1A IW IW1 VV

mode: subtract Doppler phase ramp (deramp)
number of bytes/input SLC image line:   170024
number SLC image lines in the file:       1629
number of samples/line:                  21253
radar center frequency: 5.405000e+09
Doppler poly. coeff.:        -103.51893 -4.54061e-04  2.50805e-09
Doppler rate poly. coeff.:  1.73851e+03 -1.68100e-03

 index    range (m)     fd (Hz)   fddot (Hz/s)
     0   800420.5701    -92.2791   1781.0891
  2000   805079.6941    -94.3947   1772.9291
  4000   809738.8181    -96.5102   1764.8360
  6000   814397.9421    -98.6257   1756.8105
  8000   819057.0661   -100.7412   1748.8532
 10000   823716.1901   -102.8568   1740.9648
 12000   828375.3141   -104.9723   1733.1459
 14000   833034.4381   -107.0878   1725.3971
 16000   837693.5621   -109.2033   1717.7192
 18000   842352.6861   -111.3189   1710.1126
 20000   847011.8101   -113.4344   1702.5782

 line     time (s)    range (m)    phase (rad)
     0   60954.8193   825174.496    16379.271
   200   60955.2304   825174.496     9520.982
   400   60955.6415   825174.496     4508.881
   600   60956.0526   825174.496     1342.967
   800   60956.4637   825174.496       23.241
  1000   60956.8748   825174.496      549.703
  1200   60957.2859   825174.496     2922.351
  1400   60957.6971   825174.496     7141.188
  1600   60958.1082   825174.496    13206.211

lines: 1629   width: 21253
output SLC: 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc
output SLC parameter file: 20140809_iw1_vv_4_deramp.slc.par

user time (s):         2.690
system time (s):       0.100
elapsed time (s):      2.830


SLC_partypedef_ISP.h, SLC_burst_copy

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2014.
last change 10-Dec-2014