Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: multi_S1_TOPS.c

multi_S1_TOPS -  Calculate MLI image from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC burst data

  multi_S1_TOPS  <SLC_tab> <MLI> <MLI_par> <rlks> <azlks> [wflg]

<SLC_tab> (input) 3 column list of TOPS SLC swaths  in row order IW1, IW2, IW3:
            SLC_tab line entries:   SLC    SLC_par   TOPS_par
<MLI> (output) multi-look intensity (MLI) mosaic image
<MLI_par> (output) MLI mosaic image parameter file
<rlks> number of range looks, also used to calculate burst boundaries
<azlks> number of azimuth looks, also used to calculate burst boundaries
[wflg] burst window calculation flag:
    0: use existing burst window parameters if they exist, otherwise calculate burst window parameters (default)
    1: calculate burst window parameters from burst parameters and the number of range and azimuth looks


Calculate a multi-look intenstiy image mosaic from the TOPS mode SLC data specified by SLC_tab.  The burst boundaries are calculated from the number of looks in range and azimth, in this case 5 range looks and 1 azimuth looks. 

multi_S1_TOPS SLC_20140809_tab mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli.par 5 1 1

Output is written to mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli and the parameters to mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli.par


multi_S1_TOPS  calculates a multi-look intensity image from a set of burst SLC images acquired in TOPS mode.  The input SLC_tab file is a text file with one line for each SLC in the data set. Typically there are 3 swaths in a Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Mode image set  The three columns correspond to the SLC data file name, the SLC parameter file name and the TOPS_par file name for each swath.  The TOPS_par contains information on each burst in the burst SLC.  The SLC_tab can contain fewer than 3 records, and in the case of Extended Wide mode, it can contain information for the five sub-swaths. 

Below are examples of the input SLC_tab for a TOPS scene with 3 swaths: SLC_20140809_tab1

slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw2_vv.tops_par
slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw3_vv.tops_par

A segment of each burst is windowed on the basis of the number of range and azimuth looks. The width of the burst window is a multiple of the number of range looks and the height a mulitple of the number of azimuth looks. In this way when a multi-look interferogram or MLI image is created for the mosaic, there is no mixing of pixels from different bursts in the multi-look result. The burst window is specified for each burst in the TOPS_par. The actual location in time of the burst varies from one burst to the next, so the burst window will also shift. The burst window parameters are described in the TOPS_par documentation. The burst window is calculated both in lines and pixels as well as slant-range and azimuth time. The bounds of the output mosaic MLI  are first calculated from the available burst data. Critical is the location of the break between bursts both in azimuth time and slant range. The start and end of valid samples and lines are used to determine the cut location as close as possible to the center of the region of overlap with valid data consistent with the constraint that the window be have dimensions that are a multiple of rlks and azlks.

An example of multi_S1_TOPS for a single swath of Sentinel-1 data is shown below:

multi_S1_TOPS SLC_20140809_tab  mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli.par 5 1 1
*** Calculate MLI mosiac from Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC burst data ***
*** Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing v2.8 6-Oct-2014 awi/clw/uw ***
OPENMP: number of physically available processors: 8
OPENMP: max. number of threads (program defined): 4
OPENMP: max. number of available threads, (environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS): 8
OPENMP: number of threads that will be used: 4

SLC_tab with S1 TOPS swath information: SLC_20140809_tab
output S1 TOPS MLI image file:           mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli
output S1 TOPS MLI image parameter file: mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli.par
number of range looks: 5
number of azimuth looks: 1
NOTE: calculating burst window parameters from burst parameters
number of SLCs: 1

SLC TOPS swath file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc
SLC parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par
TOPS parameter file: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par
swath r0 (m): 800420.570  r2 (m): 849928.422  nr: 21253  rpix (m):  2.329562  t0 (s): 60946.535388  t2 (s): 60971.946175  nlines:  14661  time_per_line (s): 2.055556e-03

S1 TOPS MLI range sample spacing (m):     11.64781
S1 TOPS MLI azimuth sample spacing (m):   13.96211
S1 TOPS MLI image range samples: 4250
S1 TOPS MLI image azimuth lines: 12363
maximum number of bursts in the S1 TOPS SLC swaths: 9

NOTE: calculating burst window parameters from burst parameters
SLC  1   r0:  800420.5701  r1:  825174.4959  r2:  849928.4217  fvs:   152  lvs: 20633  r_fvs:  800774.6635  r_lvs:  848486.4228

SLC:  1  burst:  1   az_time: 60946.5354  lstart:        0.000
SLC:  1  burst:  2   az_time: 60949.3083   dtb (s): 2.77295  az_ovlp (s):  0.57556  az_ovlp (lines): 279.99973  lstart:     1629.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  3   az_time: 60952.0607   dtb (s): 2.75239  az_ovlp (s):  0.59611  az_ovlp (lines): 290.00092  lstart:     3258.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  4   az_time: 60954.8193   dtb (s): 2.75856  az_ovlp (s):  0.58995  az_ovlp (lines): 287.00027  lstart:     4887.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  5   az_time: 60957.5778   dtb (s): 2.75856  az_ovlp (s):  0.58994  az_ovlp (lines): 286.99833  lstart:     6516.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  6   az_time: 60960.3364   dtb (s): 2.75856  az_ovlp (s):  0.58994  az_ovlp (lines): 286.99979  lstart:     8145.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  7   az_time: 60963.0949   dtb (s): 2.75856  az_ovlp (s):  0.58995  az_ovlp (lines): 287.00027  lstart:     9774.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  8   az_time: 60965.8535   dtb (s): 2.75856  az_ovlp (s):  0.58995  az_ovlp (lines): 287.00027  lstart:    11403.000  nlb:    1629.0000
SLC:  1  burst:  9   az_time: 60968.5997   dtb (s): 2.74622  az_ovlp (s):  0.60228  az_ovlp (lines): 292.99962  lstart:    13032.000  nlb:    1629.0000

SLC:  1  burst:  1  burst_t0:  60946.5354  t2:  60949.8818  win_t0:  60946.5354  iaz0:    0  naz: 1481   win_t2:  60949.5776   loff:0
SLC:  1  burst:  2  burst_t0:  60949.3083  t2:  60952.6548   win_t0:  60949.5797  iaz0:  132  naz: 1349   win_t2:  60952.3506
SLC:  1  burst:  3  burst_t0:  60952.0607  t2:  60955.4072   win_t0:  60952.3526  iaz0:  142  naz: 1339   win_t2:  60955.1029
SLC:  1  burst:  4  burst_t0:  60954.8193  t2:  60958.1657   win_t0:  60955.1050  iaz0:  139  naz: 1342   win_t2:  60957.8615
SLC:  1  burst:  5  burst_t0:  60957.5778  t2:  60960.9243   win_t0:  60957.8636  iaz0:  139  naz: 1343   win_t2:  60960.6221
SLC:  1  burst:  6  burst_t0:  60960.3364  t2:  60963.6828   win_t0:  60960.6242  iaz0:  140  naz: 1342   win_t2:  60963.3807
SLC:  1  burst:  7  burst_t0:  60963.0949  t2:  60966.4414   win_t0:  60963.3827  iaz0:  140  naz: 1342   win_t2:  60966.1392
SLC:  1  burst:  8  burst_t0:  60965.8535  t2:  60969.2000   win_t0:  60966.1413  iaz0:  140  naz: 1342   win_t2:  60968.8978
SLC:  1  burst:  9  burst_t0:  60968.5997  t2:  60971.9462   win_t0:  60968.8998  iaz0:  146  naz: 1482   win_t2:  60971.9441
S1 TOPS parameter file for output: slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par

SLC: 1  S1 TOPS file size (bytes): 2492721864
S1 TOPS SLC number of records: 14661
S1 TOPS number of records per burst: 1629
S1 TOPS number of bursts: 9
 0  0  800420.5701   849921.4330    60946.53539    60949.57761       0   21250       0    1481
burst  1  mosaic line:      0   range sample: 0
 0  1  800420.5701   849921.4330    60949.57967    60952.35056       0   21250     132    1349
burst  2  mosaic line:   1481   range sample: 0
 0  2  800420.5701   849921.4330    60952.35261    60955.10295       0   21250     142    1339
burst  3  mosaic line:   2830   range sample: 0
 0  3  800420.5701   849921.4330    60955.10500    60957.86150       0   21250     139    1342
burst  4  mosaic line:   4169   range sample: 0
 0  4  800420.5701   849921.4330    60957.86356    60960.62212       0   21250     139    1343
burst  5  mosaic line:   5511   range sample: 0
 0  5  800420.5701   849921.4330    60960.62417    60963.38067       0   21250     140    1342
burst  6  mosaic line:   6854   range sample: 0
 0  6  800420.5701   849921.4330    60963.38273    60966.13923       0   21250     140    1342
burst  7  mosaic line:   8196   range sample: 0
 0  7  800420.5701   849921.4330    60966.14128    60968.89778       0   21250     140    1342
burst  8  mosaic line:   9538   range sample: 0
 0  8  800420.5701   849921.4330    60968.89984    60971.94412       0   21250     146    1482
burst  9  mosaic line:  10880   range sample: 0

range samples: 4250  azimuth lines: 12363
S1 TOPS MLI mosaic image: mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli
S1 TOPS MLI mosaic parameter file: mli_5_1/20140809_vv.mli.par

user time (s):         9.140
system time (s):       0.510
elapsed time (s):      6.690


SLC_partypedef_ISP.h,  SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS, TOPS_par

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2014.
last change 10-Dec-2014