Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

BASELINE file: <orbit>.base


<orbit>.base - contains baseline estimates derived from state vectors and from ground control points. Baseline estimate from state vectors is used for removal of interferogram phase trend. Baseline estimate from ground control points is used for the computation of the heights and true ground ranges.

Non-executable. File is generated by program base_orbit (baseline estimates derived from state vectors). Baseline estimate from ground control points is inserted by program base_ls.


initial_baseline(TCN):          0.00000      132.37929        8.14649   m   m   m
initial_baseline_rate:          0.00000       -0.75865       -0.00127   m/s m/s m/s
precision_baseline(TCN):        0.00000      132.37929        8.14915   m   m   m
precision_baseline_rate:        0.00000       -0.75865       -0.00127   m/s m/s m/s
unwrap_phase_constant:         -72.2162     radians

The format and parameters are defined in the ISP type definition file typedef_ISP.h.

1. line (double x, y, z): estimate of baseline (expressed in TCN coordinates in meter) at center of SLC-1 (derived from state vectors in the SLC parameter file)
2. line (double vx, vy, vz): estimate of first derivation (d/dt) of baseline (expressed in TCN coordinates in meter/sec) at center of SLC-1 (derived from state vectors in the SLC parameter file)
3. line (double x, y, z): estimate of baseline (expressed in TCN coordinates in meter) at center of SLC-1 (using least squares fitting of the baseline parameters from ground control points in the SLC parameter file)estimate of baseline (expressed in TCN coordinates in meter) at center of SLC-1 (using least squares fitting of the baseline parameters from ground control points in the SLC parameter file)
4. line (double vx, vy, vz): estimate of first derivation (d/dt) of baseline (expressed in TCN coordinates in meter/sec) at center of SLC-1 (using least squares fitting of the baseline parameters from ground control points in the SLC parameter file)
5. line (double phc): interferometric phase constant estimated using Least Squares model fitting of the baseline from ground control points (radians).

<orbit>.base - contains baseline estimates derived from state vectors and from ground control points. Baseline estimate from state vectors is generated by the program base_orbit from the state vectors in the SLC parameter file. This estimate is used for removal of interferogram phase trend. Baseline estimate from ground control points is generated by the program base_ls using ground control points. This estimate is used for the computation of the heights and true ground ranges.

typedef_ISP.h, base_orbit, base_ls.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 28-Jan-2000.