Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: sbi_offset.c

sbi_offset  Calculate azimuth offsets from unwrapped split-beam interferogram

sbi_offset <sbi_unw> <SLCf_par> <SLCb_par> <OFF_par> <az_offset>

<sbi_unw> (input)  unwrapped phase of split-beam interferogram (float)
<SLCf_par> (input) SLC parameter file (forward-looking)
<SLCb_par> (input) SLC parameter file (backward-looking)
<OFF_par> (input) interferogram offset parameter file
<az_offset> (output) azimuth offsets


sbi_offset 19990915f.rslc.par 19990915b.rslc.par

The unwrapped phase split-beam interferogram is converted to offsets parallel to the radar velocity vector using information in the SLC parameter files for the forward and backward squinted beams and the offset parameter file of the interferogram


sbi_offset is used convert the unwrapped phase of the split-beam interferogram to azimuth offsets in meters, see Bechor and Zebker 2006. A positive offsets denotes a shift in the same direction as the radar velocity vector. The scale factor for the conversion is calculated for each point in the scene using the geoemetry timing, and doppler polynomials stored in the SLC parameter file. The number of looks in range and azimuth and the interferogram dimensions are stored in the interferogram offset parameter file.

In the normal processing flow, a single-look interferogram is produced from the forward-looking beams and a second interferogram from the backward-looking beams using SLC_intf. These interferograms are differenced using comb_interfs and then multi-looked in range and azimuth using multi_cpx to produce a multi-look split-beam interferogram. The split-beam interferogram is usually filtered with adf and then unwrapped using mcf. In this example, 4 range looks and 20 azimuth looks are used to estimate the phase that is proportional to the azimuth offset prior to  unwrapping.

The relationship between the azimuth phase and the forward and backward squint angles are given by the equation:

where the azimuth offset is proportional to wavelength divided by the differences in the sin of the forward and backward squint angles. The squint angles are determined from the doppler centroids of each look and the effective along-track velocity of the radar. The effective along-track velocity is determined from the orbital state vectors and an ellipsoidal earth model.

The output azimuth displacements can be displayed using the programs disdt_pwr24 and  rasdt_pwr24.

Bechor, N., H. Zebker,  "Measuring two-dimensional movements using a single INSAR pair", Geophsical Resarch Letters, Vol. 33, L16133, 2006, doi:10.1029/2006GL026883

typedef_ISP.h, SLC_par, OFF_par, sbi_filt

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2011.
UW, CW, last change  25-Nov-2011.