SAR raw data (<YYYYMMDD>.raw)
Raw data (eg. 20120304.raw) are supplied as complex samples as
bytes, ether as a single real byte per sample (offset video
format), or in IQ format as complex byte pairs, one byte real,
the other imaginary. Each record of the raw data usually has a
header of fixed size determined by the station doing the
transcription. The raw data file itself may have a header at the
beginning of the file that describes the file contents. In
addition, each radar echo may be padded with zeroes to achieve a
particular fixed length. These parameters are described in the
SAR sensor parameter file
Range compressed data
The range compressed data are in complex floating point
representation, each complex sample consists of two 4 byte
floating point numbers, real and imaginary part. There is no file
header, or zero padding of the data. Each record corresponds to a
single range compressed echo. The number of samples/line is
entered in the processing parameter file MSP processing parameter file or can be
modified on the command line of the range compression programs
pre_rc, pre_rc_JERS, pre_rc_RSAT, rc_real. The the number of complex samples in
each range compressed line is stored in the MSP processing
parameter file in the range_pixels parameter.
Single-look complex SAR data
The SLC data are in complex floating point representation, each
complex sample consists of two 4 byte floating point numbers,
real and imaginary part. There is no file header, or zero padding
of the data. Each record corresponds to a single range line. The
number of samples/line is the range width of the final SLC as
determined by the range width after range-compression.
Multi-look intensity SAR data
The Multilook intensity images (MLI) consist of 4-byte floating
point numbers with the image width and height determined by the
number of range and azimuth looks selected either on the command
line calling the program multi_SLC.
Image width and height are written to the MSP processing
parameter file.
Azimuth power spectrum
The <YYYYMMDD>.azsp file contains three
columns of values (ASCII format) corresponding to:
1 | Fraction of normalized PRF (0,1) |
2 | Normalized azimuth power spectrum |
3 | Ratio (power of lower half of spectrum)/(power of upper half of spectrum), is used to determine Doppler centroid |
Doppler centroid as function of range
The <YYYYMMDD>.dop file contains five
columns of values (ASCII format) corresponding to:
1 | Slant range [km] to center of raw data swath |
2 | Measured Doppler centroid centroid [Hz] |
3 | Polynomial fit to the range dependent Doppler centroid |
Power spectral density
The <orbit>.psd file is a binary file containing power
spectra used for radio interference (RFI) suppression in
processing of JERS data (done in program rspec_JERS). The first record of the file
contains a binary header that defines the number and size of the
range spectra used to detect RFI. RFI_filters.dat contains the
power spectral density of the range chirps used to compress the
JERS data. These chirps are modified to suppress RFI.
extract_psd reads the
<orbit>.psd file or RFI_filters.dat files and prints out a
selected spectrum as columns of a table (ASCII format) that can
be plotted using gnuplot.
The average level of the PSD is normalized with the median of the PSD values.