ANSI-C program: dop_interf.c
dop_interf - Optimize for
interferometry the MSP Doppler function and processing bandwidth
for a pair of images.
<SAR_PAR_1_in> <PROC_PAR_1_in> <PROC_PAR_2_in>
<PROC_PAR_1_out> <PROC_PAR_2_out>
<SAR_PAR_1_in> | MSP Sensor/raw data parameter file 1 |
<PROC_par_1_in> | input MSP processing parameter file for scene 1 |
<PROC_par_2_in> | input MSP processing parameter file for scene 2 |
<PROC_par_1_out> | output MSP processing parameter file for scene 1 |
<PROC_par_2_out> | output MSP processing parameter file for scene 2 |
<doppler> | output doppler function as a function of range sample number (plot file) |
dop_interf ERS1_ESA.par p8560.slc.par p9562.slc. par
p8560_int.slc.par p9562_int.slc.par 8560_9562.dop
This program averages the Doppler polynomials from two passes
over the same scene to obtain a Doppler centroid for processing
the two scenes that improves the correlation. Under the
assumption that the tracks flown by the SAR sensor are parallel,
processing these scenes using the average of the Doppler
centroids for the two passes and reducing the processing
bandwidth to the region of the spectrum overlap will raise the
correlation in the generated interferogram. Only the Doppler
bandwidth common to the two passes should be used for generating
the SLC images. This program is particularly useful for
processing data from ERS tandem pairs where ERS-1 and ERS-2 have
significantly different Doppler centroids when imaging the same
Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, Sensor parameter file, MSP Processing Parameter file.