Gamma MSP: Reference Manual

rspec_IQ, rspec_real

ANSI-C programs: rspec_IQ.c, rspec_real.c

rspec_IQ - Calculate range spectrum from uncompressed raw data (IQ data).
rspec_real - Calculate range spectrum from uncompressed raw data (video offset data).

rspec_IQ <SAR_par> <PROC_par> <signal_data> <range_spec> [loff] [nlspec] [nrfft] [roff] [pltflg]

<SAR_par> (input) MSP SAR sensor parameter file
<PROC_par> (input) MSP processing parameter File
<signal_data> (input)  SAR raw data (IQ format data)
<range_spec> (output) range spectrum data file (text format)
[loff] offset echoes from start of raw data file (enter - for default: PROC_par)
[nlspec] number of lines to estimate spectrum (enter - for default: 4096)
[nrfft] range FFT size (enter - for default: 4096)
[roff] range offset in samples (enter - for default: PROC_par)
[pltflg] range spectrum plotting flag:
   0: none (default)
   1: output plot in PNG format

rspec_real <sSAR_par> <PROC_par> <signal_data> <range_spec> [loff] [nlspec] [nrfft]

<SAR_par> (input) MSP SAR sensor parameter file
<proc_par> (input) MSP processing parameter File
<signal_data> (input) SAR raw data (offset video data)
<range_spec> (output) range spectrum data file (text format)
[loff] number of lines offset (default: PROC_par parameter value)
[nlspec] number of lines to estimate spectrum (default:512)
[nrfft] range FFT size (default=2048)

rspec_IQ ERS1_ESA.par p19990521.slc.par .raw 19990521.rspec - - - - 2
rspec_real SIRC.par p19941009.slc.par 19941009.raw 19941009.rspec 6000 1024 4096

The range power spectrum is calculated from the SAR raw data (IQ data for rspec_IQ, offset video data for rspec_real) using the FFT to calculate individual spectra that are averaged to generate the periodogram.  The size of the FFT and number of  range spectra that are averaged in the periodogram can be specified on the command line.  The user can also specify the starting range sample number and an offset in echos from the start of the file.

These programs estimate the image SNR by comparing the average spectrum power over the chirp bandwidth to the average noise level outside of the chirp. This SNR estimate is stored in the SNR_range_spectrum parameter in the MSP processing parameter file. This is used later for compensation of the range antenna pattern gain correction in the azimuth compression program az_proc. The data segment used for the estimation can be specified by the user by setting the offset in lines relative to the beginning of the file.

Plotting of the range spectrum is controlled by the pltflg command line parameter. When the pltflg is 1, the range spectrum plot is stored in PNG image format.  A sample range spectrum plot is shown below.   If radar interference is present, then it can appear as spikes in the spectrum plot. 

range spectrum plot

A program such as Gnuplot can be used to plot the values stored in the text file of  rspec_real.  The plot is of relative power in dB versus frequency in MHz.

echo "plot '19990915.rspec' u 1:2 with lines lc 3" |gnuplot

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, MSP Processing Parameter File, azsp_IQ.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
UW, CW, last change 4-Feb-2015