Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


Perl script: RSAT2_SLC_preproc

RSAT2_SLC_preproc -   Preprocessing of a set of RSAT2 SLC images using par_RSAT2_SLC

RSAT2_SLC_preproc <SLC_list> <pol> <out_dir> <log>

<SLC_list> (input) parameter file with 2 entries/line
          1. directory (including path) containing RSAT2 SLC products (RS2...SLC)
          2. unique scene identifier (date)
<pol> polarization to extract: HH, HV, VH, VV
directory for output fixed raw data files and processing parameter files
(output) processing log file


RSAT2_SLC_preproc RSAT2_SLC_list VV slc RSAT2_SLC_preproc.log


  RSAT2_SLC_list:     Two column list of the RSAT2 SLC prodcuts and the scene identifier, date YYYYMMDD e.g. 20100505
  VV:                 Selected Polarization
  slc:                Output directory for SLC products in Gamma format
  log;                Log file for the processing


This script reads a set of the RSAT2 SLC data in geotiff format and converts the data to Gamma SLC format including an SLC image parameter file (SLC_par). The input is a two column list of directories containing the SLC data,  one directory per product and an date identifier for the data set. An example SLC_list is shown below:

cat RSAT2_SLC_list
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131225_DK126606_U4_20100505_011529_VV_SLC    20100505
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131226_DK126607_U4_20100529_011529_VV_SLC    20100529
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131227_DK126608_U4_20100622_011530_VV_SLC    20100622
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131228_DK126609_U4_20100716_011531_VV_SLC    20100716
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131229_DK126610_U4_20100809_011532_VV_SLC    20100809
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131230_DK126611_U4_20100902_011534_VV_SLC    20100902
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131231_DK152893_U4_20100926_011536_VV_SLC    20100926
RSAT2/RS2_OK14364_PK156425_DK152894_U4_20101020_011537_VV_SLC    20101020
RSAT2/RS2_OK14364_PK156426_DK152895_U4_20101113_011537_VV_SLC    20101113

The SLC data directory for each product is created by using unzip to decompress the product.  Each product consists of a set of data and meta data. The image metadata is in XML format and the image in GEOTIFF format.  If the scene is was acquired with multiple polarizations then there will be more than one GEOTIFF format image in the directory.

The user selects the desired polarization with the second command line argument. The script calls the program par_RSAT2_SLC for each of the SLCs with arguments determined from the product name. The output SLC image has a name derived from the specified identifier combined with the selected polarization.  In this example, the first two calls to par_RSAT2_SLC appear as:

par_RSAT2_SLC RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131225_DK126606_U4_20100505_011529_VV_SLC/product.xml RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131225_DK126606_U4_20100505_011529_VV_SLC/lutSigma.xml \
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131225_DK126606_U4_20100505_011529_VV_SLC/imagery_VV.tif VV slc/20100505_VV.slc.par slc/20100505_VV.slc

par_RSAT2_SLC RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131226_DK126607_U4_20100529_011529_VV_SLC/product.xml RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131226_DK126607_U4_20100529_011529_VV_SLC/lutSigma.xml \
RSAT2/RS2_OK11906_PK131226_DK126607_U4_20100529_011529_VV_SLC/imagery_VV.tif VV slc/20100529_VV.slc.par slc/20100529_VV.slc

and the output images are slc/20100505_VV.slc and slc/20100529_VV.slc withthe associated image parameter files.


© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2011. UW, CW, last change 5-Jul-2011.