Gamma MSP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: CS_proc.c

CS_proc - Generates MSP sensor parameter and processing parameter files for COSMO-SkyMed StripMap HImage single-polarized SAR data. This program also reformats the raw SAR signal data to be compatible with the MSP.

CS_proc <HDF5> <SAR_par> <PROC_par> <raw_out> [loff][nl]

<HDF5> (input) SCS data file in HDF5 format
<SAR_par> (output) MSP SAR sensor parameter file
<PROC_par> (output) MSP processing parameter file (example p.HH.slc.par)
<raw_out> (output) I/Q raw data (fcomplex)
[loff] number of lines offset from start of raw data file (enter - for default: 0)
[nl] number of lines to extract (enter - for default: to end of input raw data)

CS_proc CSKS_RAW_HI_20090523.h5 CS20090523.sar_par p20090523.par 20090523.raw 0

CS_proc reads the COSMO-SkyMed raw data file(s) in HDF5 format. Besides the raw binary data the HDF5 contains all required auxiliary data, which is extracted to the sensor parameter file and to the processing parameter file. This differs from the approach with ERS and JERS. For ERS and JERS there are a set of existing sensor parameter files in the $MSP_HOME/sensors directory.

State vectors contained in the HDF5 file are written as earth-fixed coordinates used for geolocation of the final products. Other parameters such as the starting slant range, date, and timing information are also extracted. The program also reformats the COSMO-SkyMed raw data samples to fcomplex binary raw data (this is different from most other supported sensors, where offset binary raw data is output).

Users Guide, typedef_MSP.h, SAR Sensor Parameter File, MSP Processing Parameter File, SAR raw data (<orbit>.raw).

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, OF, last change 27-Feb-2012.